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SuperStack II Switch 3000 - Lost Passwords 3

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Mar 20, 2001
I am the fifth network person at my company in 3 years and nothing is documented. We have 2 SS II Switch 3000's both with passwords set for all accounts but the almost useless manager account. I have no idea what the passwords are. Is there anyway out of this mess?

Contact 3com tech support. There is a backdoor, but they will have to do it for you.
I'm coming in late on this one but I've the same problem - the switches work just fine but I'd like to check configurations and be able to set up vlans if needed? Any luck getting help?
These are some messages I scraped off the internet. You can also try using SNMP with a brute force cracker for the SNMP string.. assuming it's enabled :)

Mike S

There appears to be a backdoor/undocumented "access level" in current (and
possibly previous) versions of 3Com's "intelligent" and "extended"
switching software for LanPlex/Corebuilder switches. In addition to the
"admin", "read", and "write" accounts, there is a "debug" account with a
password of "synnet" on shipped images (including those available for
download from infodeli.3com.com). The versions of firmware this was tested
under include 7.0.1 and 8.1.1. The debug account appears to have all the
privileges of the admin account plus some "debug" commands not available
to any other ID.

If you allow "remote administration" (telnet access), well... yeah.

A: Yes, try username "monitor", with password "monitor".
- login: debug
- password: synnet

LinkSwitch 2700, SuperStack 2700, CellPlex 7000
- login: tech
- password: tech

SuperStack II 1000 ja SuperStack II 3000
- login: monitor
- password: monitor

Users "monitor", "manager" and "security" are factory pre-existent,
with default passwords equal to the account name. It's user's
obligation to change all 3 passwords if he wants security.

AFAIK, this is valid for every SuperStack management module/equipment "Diplomacy; the art of saying 'nice doggie' till you can find a rock" Wynn Catlin
Hello there,

I am having the same issue here, my company bought some switches SS and LinkSwitch and I was not able to login into some of them, some others open with monitor/monitor, but I am not allow to modify anything.

Can anyone help me?


If we're able to log in using one of these default accounts, are we able to change the password for any other account?

I'm using a Superstack 3300. I changed the password for the Admin account and it immediately asked me to log in again. I did, or so I tried. The password I changed it to didn't work! Luckily one of the default accounts works, but it looks like I can only change the password for that default account. I'm afraid to change its password now for fearing of screwing this one up too. Anyone know how I can change the PW for other accounts?
Hey wow, I've answered my own question! I was using the web interface, which seems pretty retarded in its user-friendliness. The Telnet interface seems a little better and I was able to navigate to the user management menu. The error I was getting in the password being incorrect was probably because the password I chose was too long. After trying a shorter one all is good. WHEW!!!
try username: 3comcso
password: RIP000
it will ask you to re-initialize answer "y" lowercase. The unit will reset.. you may need to power-cycle it. Now admin should have no password again.
Hi floks,

I try all your password and user stuff , nothing works (monitor did works out, but I can read only) Can anyone have other suggestion ?!

I bought this on e-bay

Hi folks,

I found something, that alowed me to reset my switch !
without password recovery !!!

Procom setting:
9600 bauds

Start your 3com switch , whait 3 sec and press the reset buton and let it boot

you will have a new prompt on your Procom

hit the key "h"

the help menu will pop up !

from there you should be able to reset the switch .

But nothing for the password recovery yet ..... but I can change all IP address !!


I have 3COM 3300 SS switches (four in a matrix module)
I have the same issue and i have already posted a thread. One person suggest to use 3comcso/RIP000 or debug/synnet.
I tried both with the web interface,but none of them worked.
How can I telnet and change the password?
whenever I tried to telnet, it asks me to enter userID. I type it but when I press ENTER,it stays there, then i again press Enter. then it goes to password: but as i type the first letter of the password, it immiediately goes to next line and prompts me that incorrect password. is tehre a telnet settings I need to change to telnet it. I am using win 2k profesional to telnet
I need the help asap
Fine ! There is a lot of ideas - but...

I´ve an 3com Superstack II 9300 2-LX/10-SX (3C93011) SWITCH.

My Problem is: I could not login to reconfigure. My pal is walk out around the world and the 3com-support is over, because the machine was bought from 2001, and it´s to old since registration (just 2-year-free-support-help).
They gave me the offer to pay lot of money for help me here. - No thanks ! I haven´t !

Here are all my tried backdoors w/o effect (used serial-console):


... always "incorrect password" !


... always ".. is not a valid access level"

and here is NO reset-button on my machine ...

Maybe anyone got a quick idea ?! The delivered handbooks (the customer+admin handbooks) have no details for this case...

Does anyone have any idea or answer ?!


Phil (cloonie)

This Is for the 9300 Gigabit Switch

There is a way. Using this methon will wipe out the current configuration as well as the password. When connected to the switch during boot you will see the phrase "Loading Sysboot" 2 times.
When you see this phrase the second time hit enter repeatedly until you come to a software utility. Then type "factoryreset" and the config and password will be gone.

The 3comcso/RIP000 works fine if you connect with COM cable. I use the hyperterminal (19200 Baud,8,N,1)
When Hyperterminal is up, close the connection and then start it again by the icons. Hit Enter twice. Then the logon prompt will be shown. Now Enter the username 3comcso and for password enter RIP000 at the question for intitalizing the unit hit "y" Thats all.

Just my 2 cents. First my switch SSII switch 3300 - 3c16980 didn't have a reset button as mentioned in earlier post. I downloaded the oldest firmware on 3com's web site. s2s_t106.exe I used the 3com Software Utility Update and pushed this old version onto the device. Once this finished I was able to use the 3comcsc / RIP000 to re-initial the device. Then then typed the Admin /(blank) and the screen popped up. Changed my Admin Password and then re-pushed the lastest firmware to the device.

3com wanted 250.00 for tech support to troubleshoot this. Hope the helps.
Wish all the before mentioned worked on my SS II 3000! I've tried them all. Can't seem to tftp the firmware to the switch, and can't use their update util cause it will only let you use BIN files, this is a SLX file. Any other ideas? I can get in with Monitor, but I can't change anything.
mes089 go to 3com website and go to support/ downloads and download the new firmware there u will also find the loader to load up the bin file.
I appreciate the input, but I can't find a Loader. And, there is no BIN file, it's an SLX file. Maybe the Loader I can't find will change it to a BIN file? I'm sure the SLX file is Binary, but it doesn't have the BIN extension on it. Most everything I've read says you need to have a TFTP server running, and I've tried that, doesn't work. I renamed the SLX file to BIN, didn't like that either.
Any other ideas? Maybe shoot it!!!!!!!!!!!
I had the same problem with a 3Com SuperStack II 3300 switch and no passwords but the manager/manager. I paid the 3Com price ($250) and they told me to stack the problem switch with an accessible switch using the Matrix cable. Make the accessible switch the base of the stack.

- Back up your configuration of the accessible switch before initializing the stack -

Then login to the accessible switch/stack and initialize the stack. After initializing the stack, power them down and unstack the switches (disconnect the Matrix cable). You should now be able to use the admin/no password on the problem switch. Your accessible switch will also be reset so you will have to reset both to your network settings.

Hope this helps.
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