My Sun m/c keeps rebooting within some time automatically .. not sure if this a setting somewhere in one of the systems files. Just got this box used from some company going out of business ... Please advise !!
Is it rebooting, or just shutting down. If it's shutting down, it could be the power management is turned on. This shuts the system down after a certain amount of idle time.
If it is rebooting, look for errors or panics in the system log. This should be the file [tt]/var/adm/messages[/tt]. There may be some hints to the problem there.
Is it a consistent amount of time? Type "[tt]last reboot[/tt]" and see if the reboot times are consistent.
Thanks for the reply. I looked in the messages file & Just before the last reboot, I got a "Fatal PCI UE Error" and then it tried to sync the file systems, but failed. Any more ideas?
Please post the full messages. That will help pinpoint the problem.
It sounds like you may have a bad PCI card plugged into the system. I would start by pulling out anything you know don't need. Then maybe swap the cards you do need into different slots in case there's a defect with one of the slots.
Also, what model system is this? And what do you have plugged into it?
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