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Summing on Crosstab 1

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Feb 12, 2003
Ok here is my problem. I have a table with personnel status. The status field can be either blank or have an l,t or o in it. I figured out how to get the totals for each but my problem is when no one has one of them. For example if at least 1 person has blank and l and o but none for t. I get an error everytime.

Here is the SQL statement for the first part. This one puts it in th columns with duty section, <>, L, O, T. For <>, L, O and T it put totals for each duty section.
TRANSFORM Count(tblPersonnel.SSN) AS CountOfSSN
FROM tblPersonnel
PIVOT tblPersonnel.STATUS;
Output Example:
Duty Section <> L O T
Flight 11 2
PGM 19 1 4 1
and so on.

Here is the second part that puts the data in to another table.
INSERT INTO tblFlightmanning ( Authorized, Assigned, Available, Leave, [Detail/Other], TDY )
SELECT qxtbPersonnelStatusCountByDutySection.SumOfAUTH, [Available]+[Leave]+[Other] AS Assigned, Sum(qryCountTLO.[<>]) AS Available, Sum(qryCountTLO.L) AS Leave, Sum(qryCountTLO.O) AS Other, Sum(qryCountTLO.T) AS TDY
FROM qryCountTLO, qxtbPersonnelStatusCountByDutySection
GROUP BY qxtbPersonnelStatusCountByDutySection.SumOfAUTH;

The second one is where the error comes from. It says that qryCountTLO.T doesn't exist(when no one has a status of "t").

I am not sure what to do now. Any ideas?

paveway [machinegun]

Looking for help check the FAQ's first then do a search then ask. Worked for me.
You may try something like this in your Crosstab query:
PIVOT tblPersonnel.STATUS In ('<>','L','O','T');

Hope This Helps, PH.
Want to get great answers to your Tek-Tips questions? Have a look at FAQ219-2884 or FAQ222-2244
Well the error doesn't come up any more. Now the when qryCountTLO.T is empty it makes Available empty also. I also looked over the SQL a little closer for the second part and [blue]found it was messed up[/blue] also [red]shorten a qry name too[/red]. This [green]is what you had me add/change[/green]. Here it is corrected:

INSERT INTO tblFlightmanning ( Authorized, Assigned, Available, Leave, [Detail/Other], TDY )
SELECT [red]qryManningCount[/red].SumOfAUTH, [red]qryManningCount[/red].CountOfSSN, [blue][CountOfSSN]-[L]-[O]-[T] AS Available,[/blue] Sum(qryCountTLO.L) AS L, Sum(qryCountTLO.O) AS O, Sum(qryCountTLO.T) AS T
[green]FROM qryCountTLO, [red]qryManningCount[/red]
GROUP BY [red]qryManningCount[/red].SumOfAUTH, [red]qryManningCount[/red].CountOfSSN, [CountOfSSN]-[L]-[O]-[T];[/green]

paveway [machinegun]
Looking for help check the FAQ's first then do a search then ask. Worked for me.
when qryCountTLO.T is empty it makes Available empty also
Play with the Nz function.

Hope This Helps, PH.
Want to get great answers to your Tek-Tips questions? Have a look at FAQ219-2884 or FAQ222-2244
Ok I have been messing with Access databases for 3 years and lately been digging in to the SQL part. I have no idea what Nz is. Can you point me to right place to understand it so I can get this working?

paveway [machinegun]
Looking for help check the FAQ's first then do a search then ask. Worked for me.
Replace this:
[CountOfSSN]-[L]-[O]-[T] AS Available
By this:
[CountOfSSN]-Nz([L],0)-Nz([O],0)-Nz([T],0) AS Available

Hope This Helps, PH.
Want to get great answers to your Tek-Tips questions? Have a look at FAQ219-2884 or FAQ222-2244
When in VBE (Alt-F11) open the debug window (Ctrl-g), type nz and press the F1 key.

Hope This Helps, PH.
Want to get great answers to your Tek-Tips questions? Have a look at FAQ219-2884 or FAQ222-2244
I'll have to do that when I get home because they have the computer security set so high here and not everything is installed for Access.

Oh and thank you very much. It works. Now I just got to figure out how to make time stop so I can finish this before the dead line.

paveway [machinegun]
Looking for help check the FAQ's first then do a search then ask. Worked for me.
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