If I have a query grouped by a certain field, is there a quick way to display the sum of each field and also the total sum of all the groups like in the following example. I know how to get the group sum, but it's the SumOverAll that I'm not sure how to get. I need that in order to calculate a percentage of the overall total.
Select Field, Sum(Value) as GroupSum
From Table
Group By Field
Field GroupSum SumOverAll %OfTotal
Item1 100 600 16.67
Item2 200 600 33.33
Item3 300 600 50.00
Select Field, Sum(Value) as GroupSum
From Table
Group By Field
Field GroupSum SumOverAll %OfTotal
Item1 100 600 16.67
Item2 200 600 33.33
Item3 300 600 50.00