My report is a Sales Tax report for the state.
Below are the fields.
Gross Sales
Expempt Sales
Net Taxable Sales
Reportable Sales Tax
Tax Liability
Net Amount Due
The Net Amount due is Calculated =sum([Taxamt])-[Discount]
For this week that amount is 5277.34
The State wants you to calculate a verification number this way.
5+2+7+7+3+4 plus the number of digits which in this case is 6 and the answer comes out to 34.
Help please!!! how can I do this with an unbound calculated field on the report.
Thank You
Gary W. Hill
My report is a Sales Tax report for the state.
Below are the fields.
Gross Sales
Expempt Sales
Net Taxable Sales
Reportable Sales Tax
Tax Liability
Net Amount Due
The Net Amount due is Calculated =sum([Taxamt])-[Discount]
For this week that amount is 5277.34
The State wants you to calculate a verification number this way.
5+2+7+7+3+4 plus the number of digits which in this case is 6 and the answer comes out to 34.
Help please!!! how can I do this with an unbound calculated field on the report.
Thank You
Gary W. Hill