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Suggest a pop based webclient

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Aug 6, 2000

I am scouting for a webclient for sendmail. Does squirrelmail support pop for mailing. Can someone suggest a pop based webclient.

Thanks & Regards,
Have a look at

That should get you started
There are a couple of WebMail clients that also support the POP3 protocol

Just a question: are you trying to read eamil that is based on the same server?

If Yes, using IMAP to read your mail has some advantages like folders, and always having your email in the same place
And you can even use a program like M$ Outlook Express to access your email.

The server will be our corporate email server. People will access the mail from our branch offices too.

I am not familiar with IMAP, which is why I did not choose Squirrel Mail. What are the advantages of IMAP over POP.
Can you help me with that. I am new to Linux.

Thanks & Regards,

With POP3 you are collecting mail 'From' your server
(You pull it to your mail-client)
With IMAP your mail is stored on the server, and you can access them with a IMAP compatible Mail-Client

That includes Outlook Express, Squirrelmail(web), IMP(web), and dozens and dozens of other client i forgot the name of.

I and the rest of the 'gang' :) are HTH (Happy To Help).

So shoot ... ;-)

But don't forget to be as clear as possible.
(Programs you are using, Errorcodes you run into ... etc.)
I can extend the offer of helping you outsource your company email so that you do not have to worry about these issues. Anti-spam and anti-virus filters included for free.
Please email to
"sales at surfinbox dot com"

Otherwise, I'll be happy to help you build your own.

"Surfinbox Shares" - A fundraising program that builds revenue from dialup Internet users.

Dave, thanks a lot for your offer, but we are not looking at outsourcing an option. Thanks once again.

Dear Morpheus / Dave,

As I said I am new to Linux. I had tried to install IMAP & Squirrel mail earlier on a test machine. Squirrel mail went off well but not IMAP. Now I have only the actual server and hence don't want to do R&D. So please help me right from installing IMAP.

As a matter of fact I have installed IMAP.

rpm -q imap gives IMAP-2001a-10.

Now what do I do?

Thanks & regards,
A couple of questions (which could help me helping you :) ):

- What Linux Distro are you using ?

- Is your server accepting mail for it's domain?

- Which MTA do you have installed on the Box (Sendmail/Postfix ...)

If you have a WS with Windows installed you could try and access the server with M$ Outlook Express (OE)
Just add a new Account (with OE) that corresponds with an account on the Linux Machine,

Try sending an email to yourself and see if it's staying on the server (have a look at your logfiles)



- What Linux Distro are you using ?

= RedHat 7.3

- Is your server accepting mail for it's domain?

= I do have the domain but I have not configured the MX
record. I want to test it on the LAn first.

- Which MTA do you have installed on the Box (Sendmail/Postfix ...)

= Sendmail

If you have a WS with Windows installed you could try and access the server with M$ Outlook Express (OE)
Just add a new Account (with OE) that corresponds with an account on the Linux Machine,

Try sending an email to yourself and see if it's staying on the server (have a look at your logfiles)

= Sendmail is working fine with POP - Outlook express. I can send and receive mails.

Thanks & Regards,
Try to access it with IMAP (as described above, just select IMAP as the server protocol instead of POP3)

Next you'll be asked to download a list of folders.

Tell me if it works,



It does work through IMAP too! I can send & receive mails through IMAP.

Now what do I do.

Thanks & regards,
okay, congrats :)

Add your users (if you haven't already done this) with a nologin shell (unless you want to give them access to a Shell)

check if the machine is accepting email to your domain-name
(That would be the desired config ... right :) )

Now install your desired webclient (well that was what you wanted :) )... read the Install docs carefully !

If you need more help ... just give a shout ..



Add your users (if you haven't already done this) "with a nologin shell (unless you want to give them access to a Shell)"

That was a bouncer ! = I did not understand that.
How do you do that.

The webclient I am considering is squirrel mail. It comes with PHP. But not rpm packages. If I install the *.tar.gz files, will I be to uninstall them later if need be.

Thanks & regards,

Use a tool like LinuxConf to add your users (that eases the pain of the commandline :) ),

Else use (as root):
useradd -s /bin/nologin {USERNAME}

Change their passwords with:
passwd {USERNAME}


Oops, that could als be :
/bin/false instead of /bin/nologin

(check your server if one of the 2 exists)

I have used linuxconf elsewhere but am unable to find it in this machine. Do I have to load it separately.

Also If I install the *.tar.gz files, will I be to uninstall them later if need be.

Thanks & Regards,
You are using RedHat right ?

Install the RPM's

You can uninstall them later with rpm -e {packagename}


Squirrelmail / php do not come on rpm.
Which is why I am forced for the tar.gz.

Thanks & Regards,

I got squirrelmail rpm. I am installing it.

Thanks & Regards,
I found that PHP3 is already installed in the machine. How do I overwrite it with PHP4. PHP3 came with RH 7.3. Squirrelmail requires PHP4. How do I go about it.

Thanks & Regards,
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