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substitution error

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Sep 22, 2004
I have the following numerous line in input file:
nvl(MP_MID_INIT_TXT, ' ') || 'M-G' ||
lpad(nvl(MP_SEQ_IMS_ID, 0), 3, 0) ||
lpad(nvl(MP_IMS_ID, 0), 7, 0) || 'M-G' ||
from which i need to delete the || 'M-G' || and || occurrances.
I tried with the following sed statements :
sed "s/^|| $||/ /g" outdat.sql > osql.sql
sed "s/|| 'M\-G' ||/ /g" /development/uda/sql/outdat.sql > osql.sql
but doesnt create the required output.
Could you please let me know as to what i m missing??
Thanks a lot again!
something like this [if I understand the requirement]:

sed -e "s/||//g;s/'M-G'//g" file.txt

If not, pls post the desired end result.

| #include<disclaimer.h> |
input file record:
nvl(MP_MID_INIT_TXT, ' ') || 'M-G' ||
lpad(nvl(MP_SEQ_IMS_ID, 0), 3, 0) ||
lpad(nvl(MP_IMS_ID, 0), 7, 0) || 'M-G' ||

desired output:
nvl(MP_MID_INIT_TXT, ' ')
lpad(nvl(MP_SEQ_IMS_ID, 0), 3, 0)
lpad(nvl(MP_IMS_ID, 0), 7, 0)

that is to delete any occurances of || 'M-G' || and || .
I tried the sed statement that you has advised, but only got the following result:
nvl(MP_MID_INIT_TXT, ' ') 'M-G'
lpad(nvl(MP_SEQ_IMS_ID, 0), 3, 0)
lpad(nvl(MP_IMS_ID, 0), 7, 0) 'M-G'

Could you please let me know as to what i m missing??
Thanks a lot again!
intersting - I got the desired result back [Solaris stock sed]:

input said:
nvl(MP_MID_INIT_TXT, ' ') || 'M-G' ||
lpad(nvl(MP_SEQ_IMS_ID, 0), 3, 0) ||
lpad(nvl(MP_IMS_ID, 0), 7, 0) || 'M-G' ||
output said:
nvl(MP_MID_INIT_TXT, ' ')
lpad(nvl(MP_SEQ_IMS_ID, 0), 3, 0)
lpad(nvl(MP_IMS_ID, 0), 7, 0)

are you sure you executed 'sed' as posted?
what OS are you on?

| #include<disclaimer.h> |
i rechecked the sed that i executed : its "ditto" as the one you sent. but still the same output as before. Im on HP-UX.
Appreciate your time and help!
try this - just a wild guess:

sed -e "s/[|][|]//g;s/'M-G'//g" file.txt

| #include<disclaimer.h> |
oh, I think I see what's happening - try this:
sed -e "s/||//g" -e "s/'M-G'//g" file.txt

| #include<disclaimer.h> |
I tried that too still the same. However the || gets deleted fine, except for the 'M-G' in || 'M-G' ||.
Thanks a lot again
nope, i still have the same output. 'M-G' seems to be strange!!!
I hate to but in, but is it possible you guys are using ' and ` inconsistently?
seems like there are no back-ticks anywhere...

| #include<disclaimer.h> |

make sure are not control characters in the 'M-G' - seems like the pattern is not getting mapped.

in 'vi' do: ":set list" and examine the content of the file.

| #include<disclaimer.h> |
Which version of HP-UX ? Which shell ? Which EXACT command line ?

Hope This Helps, PH.
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your are right, after vi :set list i see the control characters as || 'ú' ||$. Please let me know how to delet this??
Thank you all for your time and help!!
i put the control character for pattern matching and whew!! finally its working. Thanks again !!
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