It's a little awkward, but in 7.1 what we did was subscribe the service to a Phone Template under the BAT menu. Then we just associate the template to our phones, and for whatever reason the template didn't overwrite everything (we were VERY worried about that, since it makes you configure a DP, etc). It only subscribed the phones to the service. We did this for extension mobility and visual voicemail.
I've done it without any issues on both 5.x and 6.x. Just go into the BAT tool and use the Update Phone feature (either by Query or Custom file). You are then given a list of phone options that you can update by checking the boxes (items left unchecked will not be changed by BAT). At the bottom you can add all services from a template. Select a template that just has the Extension Mobility service added. Next check the two boxes below that to remove duplicates. This way if you accidentally update a phone that already has it, you won't put in two Extension Mobility service options.
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