I need some help refining my query...
My query is..
Now my problem is I'm getting multiple records with the same OrderNumber and different SpecialID's. I need to refine that down to just getting the record with the MAX(SpecialID) for any particular RunbookID.
My results looks like...
I need just the last record returned. Can anyone help me subquery to get the desired results? Thank so much!
My query is..
SELECT dbo.DataEnrichmentRequirements.IEPOrderNumber, MAX(dcuser.RunBooks.ID) AS SpecialID, dcuser.RunBooks.RunBookName,
dbo.Client_overview.wfg_flowsheet, dbo.Client_overview.wfg_flow, dbo.DataEnrichmentRequirements.IBEEnvironmentProd,
FROM dcuser.RunBooks INNER JOIN
dbo.Client_overview ON dcuser.RunBooks.OverviewID = dbo.Client_overview.OverviewID INNER JOIN
dbo.DataEnrichmentRequirements ON dcuser.RunBooks.RunBookID = dbo.DataEnrichmentRequirements.RunbookId
WHERE (dbo.DataEnrichmentRequirements.IEPOrderNumber IS NOT NULL) AND (dbo.DataEnrichmentRequirements.IBEEnvironmentProd = 'on')
GROUP BY dbo.DataEnrichmentRequirements.IEPOrderNumber, dbo.Client_overview.wfg_flowsheet, dcuser.RunBooks.RunBookName,
dbo.Client_overview.wfg_flow, dbo.DataEnrichmentRequirements.IBEEnvironmentProd, dcuser.RunBooks.RunBookID
Now my problem is I'm getting multiple records with the same OrderNumber and different SpecialID's. I need to refine that down to just getting the record with the MAX(SpecialID) for any particular RunbookID.
My results looks like...
OrderNumber SpecialID RunbookID Other Data....
10001 45 1067
10001 300 1067
10001 3450 1067
10001 5000 1067
I need just the last record returned. Can anyone help me subquery to get the desired results? Thank so much!