I have two tables, tblCompanyInfo and tblContacts. I am trying to find all Companies that have a record in CompanyInfo but no record in Contacts. lngCompanyID should not exist in tblContacts. I came up with the following SQL to put in the criteria for lngCompanyID, but it's not working.
(SELECT [lngCompanyID] FROM [tblCompanyInfo] Where [tblCompanyInfo].[lngCompanyID] Not In (SELECT [tblContacts].[lngCompanyID]FROM [tblContacts]))
Any help would be appreciated...
(SELECT [lngCompanyID] FROM [tblCompanyInfo] Where [tblCompanyInfo].[lngCompanyID] Not In (SELECT [tblContacts].[lngCompanyID]FROM [tblContacts]))
Any help would be appreciated...