I am having trouble getting the results of a select query to populate a text box in a subform. I can't figure out what I'm going wrong. The query deals with down production hours and is measured in military time. Part of the IIf statement in the select portion of the code is as follows:
IIf([DownStop]<[DownStart],(([DownStop])+1),([DownStop])) AS NewRestart, Sum([NewRestart]-[DownStart])*24*60 AS MinutesDown, Sum([NewReStart]-[DownStart])*24 AS DownTotal,
I am setting the Control Source of the box to "MinutesDown". Executing the form returns #Name? in the text box instead of the results.
IIf([DownStop]<[DownStart],(([DownStop])+1),([DownStop])) AS NewRestart, Sum([NewRestart]-[DownStart])*24*60 AS MinutesDown, Sum([NewReStart]-[DownStart])*24 AS DownTotal,
I am setting the Control Source of the box to "MinutesDown". Executing the form returns #Name? in the text box instead of the results.