I'm working on a database for tracking ice hockey statistics. I have
created two forms for entering the results of a game. One allows me to
select a specific game from the database and enter some generic (non-
player-specific) data, such as the date, time, and location of the game.
The second form I created as a sub-form. The purpose is to allow me to
enter all of the player-specific information for a given game. For
example, who scored, at what time, of what period.
The subform essentially looks like this:
Choose Team Choose Player Choose Action Period Time
(dropdown) (dropdown) (dropdown)
The form is created such that when you use Choose Player, you can only
see players who belong to the team you chose in Choose Team. You create
one row for each action that happens in a game.
Both Choose Team and Choose Player are dropdown controls that are bound
to fields in the database and use queries as their Row Source.
My problem is this: let's say I enter one record, as follows:
Choose Team Choose Player Choose Action Period Time
Sharks Smith Goal 2 10:05
No problem. Next, I start a new row for the next action:
Choose Team Choose Player Choose Action Period Time
Devils Davis Goal 3 8:15
However, the moment I choose "Devils" from the Choose Team dropdown,
the Player value for Record # 1 changes to blank. In other words, for
some reason, the Choose Team dropdown is driving the values of not only
the current record for Choose Player, but all records.
Does anyone have any suggestions of where I could look to resolve this
issue? Is there something I need to specify in one of the queries for
these two controls? Or could there be some underlying problem in the
database relationships?
I'm having a really hard time with this. Let me know if you have any
Steve Battisti