Technical User
- Form with Combo-Box - selected "User" will display details in detail section
- subform in detail section that displays the "user" if it is present in another table (SELECT [Fehlende].[User] FROM Fehlende; )
How to hide the subform if it does not contain records/data?
Thank you!
>>>>>> Bugs will appear in one part of a working program when another 'unrelated' part is modified <<<<<
- Form with Combo-Box - selected "User" will display details in detail section
- subform in detail section that displays the "user" if it is present in another table (SELECT [Fehlende].[User] FROM Fehlende; )
How to hide the subform if it does not contain records/data?
Thank you!
>>>>>> Bugs will appear in one part of a working program when another 'unrelated' part is modified <<<<<