The setup is an Orders form with an Order Details Subform.
The code below applies discounts according to volumes, with the discount % increasing as the cumulative volume increases. It works fine.
For the time being the client wants to revert to entering discounts manually so I've reduced the code to this
Now it calculates the first item's total but the main form isn't being updated and the focus won't move to the next row to allow a new item to be added. I tried the lines commented out but they gave errors, for example with Me.Requery
Run-time error 2115
The Macro or Function set to the BeforeUpdate or Validation Rule property of this field (hitting Debug highights Requery)is preventing the form from saving the data in this field. There is no BeforeUpdate procedure for this subform.
The code below applies discounts according to volumes, with the discount % increasing as the cumulative volume increases. It works fine.
Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
Dim Disc As Variant
Dim TF As Variant
'Calculate the total added firkins every time a new order item is entered
TF = 0
With Me.RecordsetClone
Do Until .EOF
TF = TF + !Firkins
End With
'Set discount percentage based on total firkins in order
If TF < Me.Parent.VDLevel1 Then Disc = Me.Parent.DP1
If TF >= Me.Parent.VDLevel1 And TF < Me.Parent.VDLevel2 Then Disc = Me.Parent.DP2
If TF >= Me.Parent.VDLevel2 And TF < Me.Parent.VDLevel3 Then Disc = Me.Parent.DP3
If TF >= Me.Parent.VDLevel3 Then Disc = Me.Parent.DP4
'Calculates the discount for each line item and the Net Line Total
With Me.RecordsetClone
Do Until .EOF
If !Firkins > 0 Then !DiscountPercent = Disc
!Discount = Round(!DiscountPercent * !UnitPrice / 100, 2)
!NetLineTotal = !Quantity * (!UnitPrice - !Discount)
End With
'Update the total firkins calculation?
If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
End Sub
For the time being the client wants to revert to entering discounts manually so I've reduced the code to this
Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
NetLineTotal = Quantity * (UnitPrice - Discount)
' Me.Requery
' If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
End Sub
Now it calculates the first item's total but the main form isn't being updated and the focus won't move to the next row to allow a new item to be added. I tried the lines commented out but they gave errors, for example with Me.Requery
Run-time error 2115
The Macro or Function set to the BeforeUpdate or Validation Rule property of this field (hitting Debug highights Requery)is preventing the form from saving the data in this field. There is no BeforeUpdate procedure for this subform.