Hi All
I am trying to filter a subform based on between dates, i enter 2 dates, using a pop up calender to select the dates to filter to, and pressing a apply command button which runs the below code, only problem is, it does nt filter to what it should, not really sure why....both the text boxes are of the format "Short Date"
SUbform is based on a query from 2 tables, all with dates entered in short date format
Code is:
Me!frmVisitReport.Form.Filter = "AppointmentDate BETWEEN #" & Text48 & "# AND #" & Text50 & "#"
Me!frmVisitReport.Form.FilterOn = True
Me.frmVisitReport.Form.OrderByOn = True
cant even work out what its filter to.... it should return maybe 5 or 6 records, but instead is returning over a hundred which are not within the dates asked...
Appreciate if anyone can shed any light on this
I am trying to filter a subform based on between dates, i enter 2 dates, using a pop up calender to select the dates to filter to, and pressing a apply command button which runs the below code, only problem is, it does nt filter to what it should, not really sure why....both the text boxes are of the format "Short Date"
SUbform is based on a query from 2 tables, all with dates entered in short date format
Code is:
Me!frmVisitReport.Form.Filter = "AppointmentDate BETWEEN #" & Text48 & "# AND #" & Text50 & "#"
Me!frmVisitReport.Form.FilterOn = True
Me.frmVisitReport.Form.OrderByOn = True
cant even work out what its filter to.... it should return maybe 5 or 6 records, but instead is returning over a hundred which are not within the dates asked...
Appreciate if anyone can shed any light on this