Technical User
Access 2002
Having an issue when trying to pass a string variable to a sub forms recordsource property.
Run-time error '103':
the identifier that starts with 'partial query string' is too long. Maximum length is 128.
Any insight.
The above is only a portion of the code for examples sake, I have tested the generated query and it works fine. The error is sent when trying to aaply the strSQL string to the RecordSource.
Thanks, in advance.
Having an issue when trying to pass a string variable to a sub forms recordsource property.
Run-time error '103':
the identifier that starts with 'partial query string' is too long. Maximum length is 128.
Any insight.
Dim strVendorCriteria As String
Dim strWarehouseCriteria As String
Dim strDateCriteria As String
Dim strStatusCriteria As String
Dim strBuyerCriteria As String
Dim strSQL As String
strVendorCriteria = fstrGetVendorCriteria
strBuyerCriteria = fstrGetBuyerCriteria
strItemCriteria = fstrGetItemCriteria
strWarehouseCriteria = fstrGetWarehouseCriteria
strStatusCriteria = fstrGetStatusCriteria
strItemSourceCriteria = fstrGetItemSourceCriteria
strSQL = " UPDATE [ATA2].[dbo].[tblItemForecastWeekly] "
strSQL = strSQL + " Set [FutureForecast1] = [tblItemForecastWeekly].[Avg. Shipped last 4 weeks] "
strSQL = strSQL + " ,[FutureForecast2] = [tblItemForecastWeekly].[Avg. Shipped last 4 weeks] "
strSQL = strSQL + " ,[FutureForecast3] = [tblItemForecastWeekly].[Avg. Shipped last 4 weeks] "
strSQL = strSQL + " ,[FutureForecast4] = [tblItemForecastWeekly].[Avg. Shipped last 4 weeks] "
strSQL = strSQL + " ,[FutureForecast5] = [tblItemForecastWeekly].[Avg. Shipped last 4 weeks] "
strSQL = strSQL + " ,[FutureForecast6] = [tblItemForecastWeekly].[Avg. Shipped last 4 weeks] "
strSQL = strSQL + " ,[FutureForecast7] = [tblItemForecastWeekly].[Avg. Shipped last 4 weeks] "
strSQL = strSQL + " ,[FutureForecast8] = [tblItemForecastWeekly].[Avg. Shipped last 4 weeks] "
strSQL = strSQL + " ,[FutureForecast9] = [tblItemForecastWeekly].[Avg. Shipped last 4 weeks] "
strSQL = strSQL + " ,[FutureForecast10] = [tblItemForecastWeekly].[Avg. Shipped last 4 weeks] "
strSQL = strSQL + " ,[FutureForecast11] = [tblItemForecastWeekly].[Avg. Shipped last 4 weeks] "
strSQL = strSQL + " ,[FutureForecast12] = [tblItemForecastWeekly].[Avg. Shipped last 4 weeks] "
strSQL = strSQL + " ,[FutureForecast13] = [tblItemForecastWeekly].[Avg. Shipped last 4 weeks] "
strSQL = strSQL + " ,[FutureForecast14] = [tblItemForecastWeekly].[Avg. Shipped last 4 weeks] "
strSQL = strSQL + " ,[FutureForecast15] = [tblItemForecastWeekly].[Avg. Shipped last 4 weeks] "
strSQL = strSQL + " ,[FutureForecast16] = [tblItemForecastWeekly].[Avg. Shipped last 4 weeks] "
strSQL = strSQL + " FROM (SELECT * FROM tblItemForecastWeekly WHERE "
strSQL = strSQL + " ) AS UpdateFcst WHERE tblItemForecastWeekly.lngItemForecastWeeklyID = UpdateFcst.lngItemForecastWeeklyID "
Me![FrmRptBuyingForecasting_ItemData].Form.RecordSource = strSQL
End If
The above is only a portion of the code for examples sake, I have tested the generated query and it works fine. The error is sent when trying to aaply the strSQL string to the RecordSource.
Thanks, in advance.