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Sub report selection formula

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May 10, 2001
I am having trouble bringing back records based on a selection formula. I have my main report, and my subreport. The divisions and programs are in the subreport. How do I use a selection formula to check against my subreport? Right now I am getting nothing returned. I am using VB to bring back the report, but even when I am in Crystal Reports, the selection formula is bringing back nothing. I realize this must have something to do with subreports, and how they are separate from the main report. How do I get around this? Is there a way to reference a subreport in the selection formula?

Thanks. - Karen
Scratch that - I do not want to reference my subreport. All I want to do is have them join properly.

Has there ever been problems with subreports? I believe they are joined properly, as everything else is working (with other selection formulas) - however it is quite complicated:

SQL = "SELECT * FROM (((((((((((((Affiliation " & _
"LEFT OUTER JOIN ASB ON Affiliation.AffiliationID = ASB.AffiliationID) " & _
"LEFT OUTER JOIN Classification ON ASB.ClassID = Classification.ClassID) " & _
"LEFT OUTER JOIN Contact ON ASB.ContactID = Contact.ContactID) " & _
"LEFT OUTER JOIN DivProg ON ASB.DivProgID = DivProg.DivProgID) " & _
"LEFT OUTER JOIN Donor ON ASB.DonorID = Donor.DonorID) " & _
"LEFT OUTER JOIN Month ON ASB.DeadlnMonthID = Month.DeadlnMonthID) " & _
"LEFT OUTER JOIN Presentation ON ASB.PresID = Presentation.PresID) " & _
"LEFT OUTER JOIN Recipients ON ASB.ASBID = Recipients.ASBID) " & _
"LEFT OUTER JOIN Selection ON ASB.SelectID = Selection.SelectID) " & _
"LEFT OUTER JOIN AwdType ON ASB.AwdTypeID = AwdType.AwdTypeID) " & _
"LEFT OUTER JOIN Program ON Recipients.ProgID = Program.ProgID) " & _
"LEFT OUTER JOIN Province ON Contact.ProvID = Province.ProvID) " & _
"LEFT OUTER JOIN Division ON DivProg.DivCode = Division.Div"

I am pretty sure this is what I want. Are there any tricks with subreports?

Thanks. - Karen
Nevermind..I've fixed my problem. My relationships were not defined properly. I needed left outer joins, inner joins, as well as right outer joins. Now it is working properly.

- Karen
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