Hey all, i've just spent a day coding a forum type topic/reply system using javascript and css, something along the lines of this . . .
style sheet:
example javascript menu:
example of function call:
example of menu thingy:
The thing is, it works fine in IE, but I decided maybe I should test in Netscape (6.0+) and Mozilla/Phoenix and was alarmed that my hard work may have gone to waste due to the fact that when I clicked on a link to toggle a menu the browser did absolutely nothing.
So, what I was wondering is, what can I do to achieve the same ends in Netscape or Mozilla/Phoenix.
Thanks in advance for any help.
style sheet:
#diagnosis0 { display:none; margin-left:0px }
#reply0 { display:none; margin-left:0px }
#reply0_1 { display:none; margin-left:0px }
#reply0_2 { display:none; margin-left:0px }
#diagnosis1 { display:none; margin-left:0px }
#diagnosis2 { display:none; margin-left:0px }
#diagnosis3 { display:none; margin-left:0px }
example javascript menu:
function toggleMenu(currMenu)
if (document.all)
thisMenu = eval("document.all." + currMenu + ".style");
if (thisMenu.display == "block")
thisMenu.display = "none";
} else {
return false;
} else {
return true;
example of function call:
<a class='hyperlinks' onClick='toggleMenu(diagnosis0)'>Click</a>
example of menu thingy:
<span id='diagnosis0'>Hello there!</span>
The thing is, it works fine in IE, but I decided maybe I should test in Netscape (6.0+) and Mozilla/Phoenix and was alarmed that my hard work may have gone to waste due to the fact that when I clicked on a link to toggle a menu the browser did absolutely nothing.
So, what I was wondering is, what can I do to achieve the same ends in Netscape or Mozilla/Phoenix.
Thanks in advance for any help.