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String length problem

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Oct 26, 2001
There's probably an easy answer for this, but I'm stuck. I'm compiling a big string to execute as SQL in an OpenRecordset, and for some reason the string won't grow any longer that 255 bytes. I'm using Access97 and the help tells me I should have at least 64k bytes to use. My declaration is:

Dim SQLString As String

I've tried using a fixed length ("...As String * 60000") with no luck. I also didn't see any option settings that were obvious. Any suggestions?
I'm not sure where you're looking in the help file, but strings are limited to 255 characters.

I'm not sure what is recommended for building querydefs longer than that at run-time. Maq B-)
<insert witty signature here>
I'm attaching the code per your request -- it's pretty hideous, and I'm sorry for that. Formatting makes more sense in the Module editor. Cost_Item table has a FK from Person.

Note that my problem here is that I'm trying to create an entirely parameter-driven function to get the same values from whatever subset of data I specify. As I see it, I could always create four or so queries and call into the appropriate one depending on what of the optional parameters are null.

SQLString = &quot;SELECT Hours_AM,Cost_Item.Person_ID,Cost_Item_DT &quot; _
& &quot;FROM Cost_Item INNER JOIN Person ON Person.Person_ID=Cost_Item.Person_ID &quot; _
& &quot;WHERE Cost_Item.WBS_CD='&quot; & WBSCD & &quot;' AND Cost_Item.FY_CD='&quot; & FYCD & &quot;' &quot;

If PersonID > 0 Then
SQLString = SQLString & &quot;AND Cost_Item.Person_ID=&quot; & PersonID
If ContractorCD <> &quot;&quot; Then
SQLString = SQLString & &quot;AND Contractor_CD='&quot; & ContractorCD & &quot;' &quot;
End If
If LaborCategoryCD <> &quot;&quot; Then
SQLString = SQLString & &quot;AND Labor_Category_CD='&quot; & LaborCategoryCD & &quot;' &quot;
End If
End If

If InvoiceID > 0 Then
SQLString = SQLString & &quot;AND Cost_Item.Invoice_ID=&quot; & InvoiceID & &quot; &quot;
SQLString = SQLString & &quot;AND Cost_Item.Invoice_ID is null &quot;
End If

SQLString = SQLString & &quot; AND Cost_Item.Cost_Item_Type_CD = '&quot; & CostItemType _
& &quot;' AND Cost_Item.Cost_Item_DT>=#&quot; & POPStart _
& &quot;# AND Cost_Item.Cost_Item_DT<=#&quot; & POPEnd & &quot;#&quot;
Hi, one thing.

Where you have  
If InvoiceID > 0 Then
SQLString = SQLString & &quot;AND cost_Item.Invoice_ID=&quot; & InvoiceID & &quot; &quot;
 SQLString = SQLString & &quot;AND Cost_Item.Invoice_ID is null &quot;
End If

Remember that before, you said:
SQLString = SQLString & &quot;AND Cost_Item.Person_ID=&quot; & PersonID

Therefore, you miss one space here! ?


What are you doing with this query once you get it built?

To get around the string size limitation, perhaps you could create a ready made form displayed in datasheet view which already has the basic query as its recordsource.

You could then pass just the &quot;WHERE&quot; portion to the form as a filter. Also if the fields aren't repeated in both Cost_Item and Person you can save characters by not repeating the table name on each field.

Dim SQLstring as string

SQLstring = &quot;WBS_CD='&quot; & WBSCD & &quot;' AND FY_CD='&quot; & FYCD & &quot;' &quot;

If PersonID > 0 Then
SQLString = SQLString & &quot;AND Cost_Item.Person_ID=&quot; & PersonID
If ContractorCD <> &quot;&quot; Then
SQLString = SQLString & &quot;AND Contractor_CD='&quot; & ContractorCD & &quot;' &quot;
End If
If LaborCategoryCD <> &quot;&quot; Then
SQLString = SQLString & &quot;AND Labor_Category_CD='&quot; & LaborCategoryCD & &quot;' &quot;
End If
End If

If InvoiceID > 0 Then
SQLString = SQLString & &quot;AND Invoice_ID=&quot; & InvoiceID & &quot; &quot;
SQLString = SQLString & &quot;AND Invoice_ID is null &quot;
End If

SQLString = SQLString & &quot; AND Cost_Item_Type_CD = '&quot; & CostItemType _
& &quot;' AND Cost_Item_DT>=#&quot; & POPStart _
& &quot;# AND Cost_Item_DT<=#&quot; & POPEnd & &quot;#&quot;

docmd.openform &quot;queryform&quot;,,,SQLString Maq B-)
<insert witty signature here>
Running this useless function:
Public Function testme()

Dim sTemp As String
sTemp = String(500, &quot;x&quot;)
MsgBox sTemp
End Function

proves that strings hold more than 255 chars. Therefore, something else is going on.

I have built functions that do exactly what you're doing, and they have great utility once built. I suggest trying to build it a piece at a time till the culprit shows itself.

Is there any particular line of code causing the problem?

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