Hi all:
I'm trying to run the following code, and I'm running into issues:
Running this code produces an error on the DoCmd.RunSQL error. In debug mode, I checked the value of SubmitSQL:
Now correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the string variable have a maximum somewhere around 65,000 characters? If yes, then why is my string not reaching this length? If no, how do I get around this problem? Thanks!
I'm trying to run the following code, and I'm running into issues:
dim submitSQL as string
submitSQL = "insert into tbl_Record (auditID, clientID, recordAuditNum, medReviewer, medProvider, medDateSvc, reviewToolID, "
submitSQL = submitSQL & "finReviewer, finProvider, finDateEntered, CPT, ICD9, status, record_timestamp) values "
submitSQL = submitSQL & "(" & Me.txt_AuditID.Value & ", '" & Me.txt_ClientID.Value & "', " & Me.lst_Records.ListCount
submitSQL = submitSQL & ", " & Me.cbo_SvcReviewer.Value & ", " & Me.cbo_SvcProvider.Value & ", #" & Me.cbo_SvcDate.Value
submitSQL = submitSQL & "#, " & Me.cbo_ReviewTool.Value & ", " & Me.cbo_BillReviewer.Value & ", " & Me.cbo_BillProvider.Value
submitSQL = submitSQL & ", #" & Me.cbo_BillDate.Value & "#, '" & Me.txt_CPTCode.Value & "', '" & Me.txt_ICD9Code.Value & "', "
submitSQL = submitSQL & "'Not Started', Now());"
DoCmd.RunSQL submitSQL
Running this code produces an error on the DoCmd.RunSQL error. In debug mode, I checked the value of SubmitSQL:
"insert into tbl_Record (auditID, clientID, recordAuditNum, medReviewer, medProvider, medDateSvc, reviewToolID, finReviewer, finProvider, finDateEntered, CPT, ICD9, status, record_timestamp) values (1, 'AAA010101', 1, 6, 6, #3/3/2009#, 5, 4, 6, #3/3/2009"
Now correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the string variable have a maximum somewhere around 65,000 characters? If yes, then why is my string not reaching this length? If no, how do I get around this problem? Thanks!