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String length issues?

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Sep 17, 2008
Hi all:
I'm trying to run the following code, and I'm running into issues:

dim submitSQL as string

submitSQL = "insert into tbl_Record (auditID, clientID, recordAuditNum, medReviewer, medProvider, medDateSvc, reviewToolID, "
submitSQL = submitSQL & "finReviewer, finProvider, finDateEntered, CPT, ICD9, status, record_timestamp) values "
submitSQL = submitSQL & "(" & Me.txt_AuditID.Value & ", '" & Me.txt_ClientID.Value & "', " & Me.lst_Records.ListCount
submitSQL = submitSQL & ", " & Me.cbo_SvcReviewer.Value & ", " & Me.cbo_SvcProvider.Value & ", #" & Me.cbo_SvcDate.Value
submitSQL = submitSQL & "#, " & Me.cbo_ReviewTool.Value & ", " & Me.cbo_BillReviewer.Value & ", " & Me.cbo_BillProvider.Value
submitSQL = submitSQL & ", #" & Me.cbo_BillDate.Value & "#, '" & Me.txt_CPTCode.Value & "', '" & Me.txt_ICD9Code.Value & "', "
submitSQL = submitSQL & "'Not Started', Now());"
DoCmd.RunSQL submitSQL

Running this code produces an error on the DoCmd.RunSQL error. In debug mode, I checked the value of SubmitSQL:

"insert into tbl_Record (auditID, clientID, recordAuditNum, medReviewer, medProvider, medDateSvc, reviewToolID, finReviewer, finProvider, finDateEntered, CPT, ICD9, status, record_timestamp) values (1, 'AAA010101', 1, 6, 6, #3/3/2009#, 5, 4, 6, #3/3/2009"

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the string variable have a maximum somewhere around 65,000 characters? If yes, then why is my string not reaching this length? If no, how do I get around this problem? Thanks!
put a couple of "debug.print submitSql" into your code to see where the problem starts. No you are not hitting a limit, probably a limitation of the debugmode.

If you can get a complete debug.print then you can drop the sql into the qde and see if it runs.
Hey, learn something new every day. Didn't know about the debug.print command, that helps save a lot of time.

I must have been catching the error at a wrong point, or already fixed that one, because now it accepts the string (which was a limitation of the debug, thanks for that knowledge too). Now I'm erroring out somewhere else. :)

Thanks again!
you did a good job initially. This approach

strSql = strSql & "...."

allows you to error check as you go since each line builds. Often people try to post a huge complex query in one shot and ask why it is not working. I always use the approach above and always do it something like

strSql = "..."
debug.print strSql
strSql = strSql & "..."
debug.print strSql

then I code out the debug.prints as each line passes correctly.
Yeah, I prefer to split my queries into multiple lines. First, it's a lot easier to read it when broken into logical sections; second, you can see the whole query in one screen (without scrolling).

If I'm developing a query for a database (unless it's a super simple query), I always load the query into a test query/table. It takes up a little more time in development, but it makes life much easier during debugging and testing. Very rarely do I have to debug a query string during testing, which is why I was so confused with that string error. I don't know if multiple debug.prints would provide me any additional info; I think I would only go that route if the situation called for it.

I'm going to start incorporating that debug object into more of my development now. Thanks again!

So, is your problem(s) solved now, or else where are you at with the situation?


"If to err is human, then I must be some kind of human!" -Me
Oh sorry, thought that was clarified. Yes, situation resolved. Thanks!
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