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Strange freeze-ups with ASUS A7N8X-DX & win2k

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Technical User
Sep 27, 2002
I bought a spiffy new ASUS A7N8X-Deluxe (w/ SATA RAID, 5.1 Dolby Sound, Firewire, USB 2.0, AGP8x, etc.) last December and built myself a new system with that, an Athlon XP2000+, 512 MB of DDR2100, a Matrox G450, two IBM drives (40 and 80 gig), a Plextor cd burner and Windows 2000 (w/sp3). It ran without any major problems for six weeks and then started freezing up regularly (and I mean a real freeze up-can only get out by rebooting). I don't recall installing any new software around that time and didn't add any hardware. And what's weird is that it freezes up when I'm away from the computer, like in the middle of the night (It occasionally freezes up when I'm doing something, but mostly when the computer's idling).

I immediately checked my fans, temperature, and stuff like that (left the case open all night). All was good (well, I'm assuming that 105-7 degrees isn't out of line for CPU temp... everyone always talks about checking your temp, but they never say what is too hot). I turned off all power saving features. I tested the RAM with Memtest86, reinstalled the OS a number of times, flashed the BIOS and I've updated every driver I can find. I have found that if I disable the on-board sound in the BIOS and run without any power saving options, it will make it through the night. In fact, I thought that I had nailed the problem there, but it froze up several times yesterday (while I was doing stuff).

After the repeated freeze-ups yesterday, I called the store where I bought the board and was told that I shouldn't try to run USB 2.0 with Windows 2000. He recommended doing a clean reinstall and making sure that I didn't install the USB2 drivers. Well it froze up right after that install, so I knew I was in for trouble. On calling him back for more advice, he said that I should run the service pack right after installing the system and before the drivers. Well, doing that totally wreaked havoc (one driver wouldn't install and I got a freeze-up that made my monitor spaz out in a way that I never care to see again). So, I called the guy back, but he had left for the day. The guy I then talked to said that it's probably not a software problem at all and that he'd be happy to test out my system for only $39.99. Hmmm.

So, what do people think? I'm not buying the hardware idea (though I am certainly about ready to RMA this board). It's weird that it ran okay for six weeks and then started freezing consistently. That would have made me think software problem, but the fact that I've wiped the drive and reinstalled the OS several times would seem to counter that idea. It's also weird that it seemed to do okay with the sound and power options off, but then it froze up today. Of course, even if the problem did lie with those two culprits, I'd still need some solution; I can't live without sound and I'd really rather my computer shut it's own monitors off.

I've tried to be as complete as possible here, but if I left something out please let me know. After another complete reinstall with the latest Nvidia drivers and without USB 2.0, it still froze up last night.

Thanks in advance,


(Oh, and I don't know if this means anything but there was another weird quirk I noticed back when this first started: when I'd start winamp after a freeze up, the play list wouldn't be the last thing I played; it would be something from a while earlier... like freezing up turned back the clock. Oh, and sometimes stuff on my desktop reverts to their old positions or default positions after a freeze up.)
I have 2 computers with IBM 20 Gig Hard Drives. One had to be scanned to repair bad spots on the hard drive, but after doing that to one of them it has run great for over a year. Both are still running great.

There have been several problems in other forums I sometimes visit about the A7N8X motherboards. I would try to RMA the motherboard if your 30 days are not up. This is something you have to decide for yourself. I do not know what is causing the problems, but Asus motherboards are usually more dependable.

Might Try a Gigabyte Motherboard, or go to Via KT333 chipset.

Another problem might be a power supply issue. Power supply sometimes goes bad over time. It could be still working but not stable enough or supplying voltages too low on some of the lines. If you do not like my post feel free to point out your opinion or my errors.
Aren't you forgetting that in safe mode it works fine....Driver issues. As you will know safe mode installs basic drivers for all devices.
I have A Friend that uses the same board and graphics card and he has simular problems. There are times when he cold boots the montitor switches off. I rebooted into safe mode and reinstalled the nvidia driver for the Gforce 2 card and now when it cold boots it's fine. However if he installs any app that requires video support he has to go throught the safe mode procedure again.
Maybe a back to basics is what is required.

\\spaaski\ :)
I have been trying to fix a system that was giving errors and locking up on install but it was only happening in the department that was using it. When I'd bring it back to my desk it would work fine. I noticed that they had it plugged into this homemade looking power strip. I set up the system on a new power strip last week and has been working great since.

Might be something as simple as power fluxuation that you are dealing with. Try a new power strip or plugging your system in somewhere else.

Just an idea... but a cheep one.
pddxr: Nice idea (and one that hasn't been mentioned) but I NEVER plug a computer into the wall or even a power strip. I use an APC 650 UPS. This should be conditioning the power. I'm actually gonna be moving pretty soon, so while my set-up is torn apart, I'll leave this box plugged into a different UPS for a night.

spaaski: Not sure if I follow you, but I think you're saying that this is probably a driver issue and not a hardware issue. I'm actually swinging back that way after trying different RAM settings. But my new stick of RAM will be here Tuesday, so we'll see if that makes a difference. I also need to reinstall the OS cuz my CD-ROM driver got hosed again (when I put blank disc in and start my burning program, it keeps probing the disk and makes the whole system very unresponsive... happened about a month ago and the only way to fix it was to completely reinstall the system). So, are you saying that I should install my Matrox drivers while in safe mode?
Yes, what I was saying is that it sounds very much like an application/software issue. A conflict between drivers and most like the display drivers. When you complete your OS reinstall try adding one app at a time until it falls over again. eg: Things to note:
1. After display and modem driver install check idle
2. After first DUN connection check idle
3. Set system restore point
4. Every software or application install after that set a different restore point.
5. Make special note when you install the CDrom drivers. Do not use the standard MS OS driver. (As you said earlier that the Cdrom driver make the system very unstable.

Would probably advise to follow before using new RAM stick. I advise this to provide process of elimination, I know it's the long way to resolving it but it will identify the problem causing you grief.

cheers \\spaaski\
Well, this might make a difference. Last night I left it in safe mode with networking and it froze up. That was with most of the peripherals on in the BIOS, so I turned them all off except the LAN and left it in safe w/ networking again... and it froze up.

So, it looks like it's either the LAN or the hardware. I remember I suspected the LAN early on and I'm almost positive that I got a freeze up with the lan disabled. I could leave it in regular safe mode tonight but I'm planning on running memtest86 all night (suggested by someone on another list).

It really, really seemed like a driver issue, but at this point it's frozen up under so many different coniditions and states that the RAM -- or some hardware issue -- looks likely once again. Yikes. I think I've gone back and forth between software and hardware on this about 100 times!

Well the new RAM should be here tomorrow. If that doesn't work then I'll try the reinstall one thing at a time idea. Oh, how do you set restore points in win2k? Never done that.

A quick update: swapped the RAM and it still freezes up. Talked to Asus tech support and found out the the RAM slots are numbered in the opposite direction I thought. But, even with the RAM in slot one, it still freezes up.

It also froze up in safe mode w/ networking but not in regular safe mode. So, last night I left it in the regular OS, but with all the peripherals disabled in the BIOS and with the Lan driver uninstalled... and it didn't freeze. So, I'm going to leave it just like this until tomorrow morning and if it still hasn't frozen, I'll start turning stuff back on, with the lan being last. Luckily this board has two NICs.

I will be sure to post the final resolution of this... assuming I actually find it.
I don't know if anyone's still paying attention to this thread, but after disabling the Nvidia LAN it hasn't frozen up in a couple days. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get the other NIC on the mobo--a 3com--to work. The drivers install just fine, windows says the NIC is working fine, but it's not communicating with the router.

Under ipconfig, it shows a 169 address, which is what windows assigns to a NIC that can't find a DHCP server. When I do ipconfig /renew it searches for the router's DHCP server, but can't find it. I have two other boxes communicating with the router just fine and I've swapped cables; still no go. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the NIC drivers and TCP/IP. The Nvidia NIC was working fine (though apparently causing my freeze-ups... I think).

If anyone has any idea why a NIC wouldn't be able to find the DHCP server (when the cables and the NIC are working fine), I'd love to hear it.
Yeah, I started a new thread in "3com NICs" but haven't gotten any replies yet. As far as having solved my freeze-up problem, the jury still out on that. So far, so good, but until I've got all my devices back on and don't freeze for a couple weeks, I'm still expecting the worst.
I didn't see anyone mention this, if I missed it, then disregard. I read on some other forums where some of these MOBOs were issued with defective BIOS batteries. Problems mentioned were sporatic and various. New battery cleared them up.
Hey Yukster
It been a long time...
And by the looks of things you have ID'd the problem?? by the sounds of things your bios config was out. Once you had ID'd this did you try to update your device controllers drivers???
If this has been done maybe you will need to FLASH the bios as the mobo onboard NIC is partially controlled by the bios.
Otherwise I will try to follow this up your post in 3com NIC.

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