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Strange Freeze in Internet Explorer. Help appreciated. 1

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Apr 24, 2001
Greetings All,
I'm running Windows 98SE with all the updates avalilable for all the software installed. Internet Explorer 6.0.2600 is the browser I'm using. On most all web sites if I press tab to move to the next field IE freezes for, up to, 30 seconds. Submit buttons are the worst. Clicking submit on some forms will cause IE to appear locked up. Every thing else works, for example the start menu while IE is frozen. Except I have also noticed that OutLook 2000 is taking it's sweet time to go get my mail. I have a DSL connection and things used to be a lot faster. I reverted to Win98SE from Win2K for hardware issues. Now this IE freeze and Outlook lag is driving me crazy. Any ideas would be welcomed. I'm stumped. My machine has a 1 Gig P3 stepping 10 with 512Meg of PC133 and gobs of hard drive space. It should run like the wind. Once again any help would be appreciated.
By any chance are you using a PPPoE software for your DSL connection? If so you should look at:

(The whole hyperlink may not post correctly so you may need to copy and paste the whole link manually to your browser) joegz
"Sometimes you just need to find out what it's not first to figure out what it is."
That information was helpful however it doesn't pertain to me. I have a Static IP address aready. And I'm not running any PPPoE software. Interesting to know that IE 6 hates dynamic IP. It seems very similar to my problem but not quite.
Thanks again.
If this happened before upgrading IE, chck this:

Delayed Response When Editing Internet Explorer Forms and Outlook Express May Take a Long Time to Start

The information in this article applies to:

Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 5, 5.01 for Windows 98

IMPORTANT: This article contains information about editing the registry. Before you edit the registry, make sure you understand how to restore it if a problem occurs. For information about how to do this, view the "Restoring the Registry" Help topic in Regedit.exe or the "Restoring a Registry Key" Help topic in Regedt32.exe.

When you attempt to type information into a form in Internet Explorer, the text field may hesitate to insert the cursor and display the text that you type in a text field. You may also experience a long hesitation when you move the cursor from one field to another (5-20 seconds).

In addition, Microsoft Outlook Express may take a long time to start.

This behavior can occur because of any of the following reasons:

The AutoComplete history is corrupted.

The Pstores.exe and associated .dll files may be corrupted or their versions may be incorrect.

The ProtectedStorage registry key has incorrect parameters.

To resolve this behavior, use the appropriate method.

Method 1: Clear Forms and Passwords Information in the AutoComplete History
To clear Forms and Passwords information in the AutoComplete settings in Internet Explorer, use the following steps:
Start Internet Explorer.

On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.

On the Content tab, click AutoComplete.

Click Clear Forms and Clear Passwords, and then click OK.

Method 2: Verify the Correct Date/Version of the Pstores Files
Verify the correct date and version of the following Pstores files:


Method 3: Export and Delete the ProtectedStorage Value
WARNING: Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

For information about how to edit the registry, view the "Changing Keys and Values" Help topic in Registry Editor (Regedit.exe) or the "Add and Delete Information in the Registry" and "Edit Registry Data" Help topics in Regedt32.exe. Note that you should back up the registry before you edit it. If you are running Windows NT or Windows 2000, you should also update your Emergency Repair Disk (ERD).

Export and delete the ProtectedStorage value from the following registry key:
Click Start, point to Programs, and then click MS DOS Prompt.

Type the following command:

c:\windows\system\pstores.exe -install
NOTE: This command replaces the correct ProtectedStorage registry key.

Quit all programs and restart the computer.

i have the same lag problem with IE and i downloaded teh ad-aware from lavasoft and biocop which seem to do about nothing but thanks anyway. Anybody else can help me with this lag problem. Let me describe it. When you click on a bar like search or password it will freeze for a while then when you click search or enter it will lag once again. I have missed ebay bids like that which really sux. Please help. Thanks PpL

Any luck with a fix to the Explorer freeze??? I'm having the same problem, and it's driving me nuts! Love to know the fix!!!

If some of you who are having this problem would post some complete OS information, including IE versions, etc., that would help Troubleshooters here.

Also,,,,,, writing back and continuing the thread, so that people try to help could really help this process.

I had the same problem and i installed adware, which solved the freezing problem. For people who tried installing adware but still has the freeze problem, you must not have downloaded the latest signature file. Try downloading the latest signature file from lavasoft site and re scan your PC.

I downloaded the latest Lavasoft AdWare 5.62 and it did nothing to help my freeze problem. I am running '98 with a freshly updated Explorer 5.5. I have run out of ideas. I'm not having any problems elsewhere in my sysytem that I am aware of.
I too am having this problem, my PC config. is as follows:
P3 1000
WIN98SE (all updates + IE6)
ALL-in-Wonder 128 Video
SB Live 5.1 Sound.
USR 56K Modem

I was able to get a better response when I started changing the Memory settings (ie setting a virtual memory and download Cacheman). But still getting some LAG time
I suggest getting rid of IE 6. It's buggy crap IMHO.
Update: I have downloaded Dachshund Anti-Crash / Anti-Freeze. It doesn't recognize the freeze as it is happening. I also discovered that while in Word Processor, the lines drop down at a rate of one line per second. This means I have to constantly page down just to stay in the same place! Apparently I have a larger problem than I originally thought.

Using any antivirus or firewall software? Sometimes they can be problematic. Sorry, just a wild guess.
ok ya'll... Im not a certified anything but I seem to have found a neat little thing that helped mine.. I had the same lag.. I dont believe downloads and watchdogs help anything.. cacheman, application warp, and many others only found me clicking on neat buttons which really did nothing. however.. Control Panel\Performance\File system switching my setting there from Desktop computer to Network Server seemed to have done the trick for mine.. I am now enjoying what I am paying for... Win98 SE 4.10.2222A and IE 6.0.2600.0000 updates:;Q316059.... hope it does the same for you...

Stink s-)
Make sure you don't have programs , like RealAudio and Gator (Adware) running on the Task Bar. My IE6 problems went away when i removed or disabled all adware. Those programs access the Internet and may conflict with IE6.
There are also web pages that cannot handle IE6 due to poor programming (by Microsoft).
There is a thread similar to this one in the Microsoft: Internet Explorer forum. In that forum, the culprit to the 30-60 second hang is a bit of spyware in your computer which monitors your surfing activity by sending the address of every new URL you attempt to access to a now non-existent server. The slowdown is caused by the delay caused by waiting for that phantom server to confirm the message your computer has sent.

Now for the fix, which is quite simple. Open Windows Explorer and drill down to the 'C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files' folder. Among its files, you will probably see one entitled "Tracker Class". If so, DELETE it immediately. That's all there is to it! Now go and reopen Internet Explorer, and you will find that everything is back to normal.
Thank you Doctor Robert!!!

I have been living with this freeze, dreading the prospect of reinstalling Explorer. Your answer did the job! Huge thanks!!!!

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