I have a computer with crystal reports 7 designer installed on it that occasionally takes a very very long time to load reports. the computer is at a remote facility and accesses the reports via a network share using a T1 line. when you open the .rpt, it will just sit there for upwards of 5 minutes like its timing out, but then it'll finally load up. i put a packet sniffer on it and found out that crystal is loading the report 1,2 or 4 bytes at a time. when i ran the sniff on a report that was local to the machine, it loaded it several thousand bytes at a time.
what would cause this kind of behavior? like i said, its only occasionally, and I cant find anything to really duplicate it. I have already replaced this PC, so its not hardware or OS. its got to be something that is happening to crystal reports but I can't nail it down.
what would cause this kind of behavior? like i said, its only occasionally, and I cant find anything to really duplicate it. I have already replaced this PC, so its not hardware or OS. its got to be something that is happening to crystal reports but I can't nail it down.