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Strange Character that should be a return

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Jul 3, 2003
Im trying to import a text file into Acces 97. when i open the file in notepad the file looks fine cintains a numer of records, however when i try to import into the database the wizard only shows one line of text with a black square where the a new row begins, any ideas how to solve.

I have quite a few files to import so i dont want to have open each one and "save as"

"My God! It's full of stars...
I think the text file either contains a carriage return or line feed, but not the combination of them which is necessary for it to be displayed in a form control, and perhaps also for it to be recognized by the wizard. Would it by any chance originate from Unix/Mac?

Here's a short snippet that might help if my assumptions are correct:

[tt]dim fs as object
dim txtIn as object
dim txtOut as object
dim strFile as string
set fs = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set txtIn = fs.opentextfile("c:\yourfile.txt",1) ' for reading
set txtOut = fs.createtextfile("c:\newfile.txt",true) ' overwrite
strfile = txt.readall
strfile = replace(strfile,vbcr, vbcrlf)
' or alternatively
' strfile = replace(strfile,vblf, vbcrlf)
txtOut.write strfile
set txtIn=nothing
set txtOut=nothing
set fs=nothing[/tt]

Couple of notes
- the Replace function doesn't exist in a97, use RickSpr's replacement functions from faq705-4342
- if memory serves me right, I think the scripting libraries aren't usually distributed with Office 97, but having IE 5.0 or higher would normally have installed it
- if you wan't to process the file trhough code, perhaps reading line by line (strLine = txtIn.ReadLine would give you one line, in the loop, just ensure you've got a criterion like this: do while not txtIn.AtEndOfStream)
- as usual, typed not tested

Roy's solution is likely to be slow. I would do similar but in a query after import.

thats the problem, whilst importing i get import error unparsable record.

"My God! It's full of stars...
I had a similar problem a while ago which I solved using a RichText control in Delphi. I simply read the file into the control and wrote it out from the control, it changed the linefeed (which had been used as the row terminator) to carriage return + linefeed. Presumably the MS RichText control would enable you to do the same thing.

Worth a try?

Ive tried this code and get the error-

Vriable noy defined. which it then highlights "txt" in the line

strFile = txt.readall

Function RemoveUnkownCharacter()
Dim fs As Object
Dim txtIn As Object
Dim txtOut As Object

Dim strFile As String
Set fs = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
Set txtIn = fs.opentextfile("C:\Pn100011.csv", 1) ' for reading
Set txtOut = fs.createtextfile("C:\Pn100011.txt", True) ' overwrite
strFile = txt.readall
'MsgBox txtIn
'strFile = aCmdReplace(strFile, vbCr, vbCrLf)
' or alternatively
strFile = replace(strFile, vbLf, vbCrLf)
txtOut.write strFile
Set txtIn = Nothing
Set txtOut = Nothing
Set fs = Nothing
End Function

sorry to badger about this, but im completely lost

"My God! It's full of stars...
Such happens when typing -> txtIn

Lets see if that's then only typo;-)

Okay, we have moved on a little, the change has fixed the original error. However i now get the error
Compile error:
expected array

also i changed
Replace in the line
strFile = replace(strFile, vbCr, vbCrLf)

strFile = acCmdReplace(strFile, vbCr, vbCrLf)

really appreciate your efforts

"My God! It's full of stars...

I get sub or function not defined. I checked the object browser which only returned the acCmdReplace

"My God! It's full of stars...
ive checked your first note and that was what i changed in Roys code, but i still the error still get the error. When i check the debug window it states that variable not defined.

"My God! It's full of stars...
So you have copied RickSpr's code into a separate module (or similar code to be used in stead of the Replace function that doesn't exist in a97), compiled, and then you get a variable not defined in some code line - which variable is not defined, which line?


Im still playing with this, but not getting far.
as you can from the code below iv isolated the replace function to try to see if thats the only error. however i now get the error

run time error '62'
input past end of file

Function RemoveUnkownCharacter()
Dim fs As Object
Dim txtIn As Object
Dim txtOut As Object

Dim strFile As String
Set fs = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
Set txtIn = fs.opentextfile("\\PEMS\Pn100282.txt", 1) ' for reading
Set txtOut = fs.createtextfile("\\PEMS\Pn100282.csv", True) ' overwrite
strFile = txtIn.ReadAll
'strFile = Replace(strFile, vbLf, vbCrLf)
txtOut.write strFile
Set txtIn = Nothing
Set txtOut = Nothing
Set fs = Nothing
End Function

"My God! It's full of stars...
You could try using standard VBA io commands. Input Line # should read up to CR, LF or CRLF. Print # automatically appends CRLF.

can you elaborate on this?
im not a master of VBA, or an apprentice for that matter

"My God! It's full of stars...
Then try line by line, would probably not need the replace function, as reading a line through filesystemobject methods would normally give one line regardless of whether the end of line mark is vblf, vbcr or vbcrlf. Try with or without:

[tt]do while not txtIn.atendofstream
strFile = txt.readline
strFile = replace(strFile, vbLf, "") ' not sure it's needed
' strFile = replace(strFile, vbCr, "") ' not sure it's needed
txtOut.writeline strFile

You may try this:
If txtIn.AtEndOfStream Then
strFile = ""
strFile = txtIn.ReadAll
End If

Hope This Helps, PH.
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