I installed MySQL on a pentium III 1000 MHz, 256MB RAM, 60 GB HDD, etc, and a simple query thru ASP/ODBC (DNS less; the table contains 10 records only) will spend about 10 seconds.
The SAME application, same OS (Win2000prof.) running on a pentium 4- 1300 MHZ is ISTANTANEOUS! How could it be?
I've re-installed both the OS and IIS5 and ODBC too, but the result is ever the same! Is it possible that 300MHz (on processor) can change performance so dramatically?
Bye 'n' Thanks
The SAME application, same OS (Win2000prof.) running on a pentium 4- 1300 MHZ is ISTANTANEOUS! How could it be?
I've re-installed both the OS and IIS5 and ODBC too, but the result is ever the same! Is it possible that 300MHz (on processor) can change performance so dramatically?
Bye 'n' Thanks