Does anyone know of a way to prevent users from erasing the IE history? These workstations are not part of a domain. Is this possible? Thanks for your help!
I assume you are their employer and wish to spy on them, correct? We can go through plenty of techniques that can be done to surveil them, but here's a very effective one:
Tell them the softeware is in place and there are no warnings---internet abusers get PINK SLIPS.
Works like a charm.
BTW....even though they erase the files....the index.dat will reveal everything.
We don't necessairily want to spy, but just see where they are going on the net. We have issued an internet usage policy and that has worked for the most part. We are on the verge of getting a content filtering software, but I just need something to check out for the time being.
Thanks for the reply, I will check out the index.dat
Theres some good software. I remember using a product called IESpy which is free! Give it a search on google. Only prob is that its for all users. (Creates a .txt log, but doesn't say who has surfed it, just the time.)
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