Hello, i would like to know if there is a gain in speed performance opening a form loading the data for a specified referance using a link to the previous form Vs the stLinkCriteria which look only to filter.
Case #1 :
Case #2 :
havinf in Current forma a txtbox named refName having the right value (in this case 1)
Having in the formSecondForm on load up
In case one, do it load up everything then filter, or filter before? Case 2 would make sure not all data load for nothing
Dont realy need t browse between data, juste need the one called in second form
thx for info
Case #1 :
stDocname = "formSecondForm"
stLinkCriteria = "refName" = 1
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
Case #2 :
havinf in Current forma a txtbox named refName having the right value (in this case 1)
stDocname = "formSecondForm"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName
In case one, do it load up everything then filter, or filter before? Case 2 would make sure not all data load for nothing
Dont realy need t browse between data, juste need the one called in second form
thx for info