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Steps required to replace Partner ACS R6 Processor 4

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May 6, 2004
I have been assigned to replace a flaky Partner ACS R6 processor card for a client, and am unfamiliar with the Partner series. I know how to do a backup/restore on a Magix, but could someone please describe the steps necessary to do a similar process on a Partner? I have a new processor card with the Partner Remote Access PC card with it, hopefully I can use that to do their backup.
Any help would be really appreciated!
if the processor is acting flacky I would not do a backup and restore in case the flackiness happned to be programing related.

progarming a partner from scratch is not that big a deal 45 min to a hour top

I would use a display phone ane manual and look at current programming tnd then duplicate it
The Partner was installed in January, and so far, once a month, the client has problems getting a dial tone on most of the phones, and other strange problems. They do a power cycle, and everything is fine again. Someone who knew Partner systems suggested it might be the processor, that it would need to be replaced. He has since moved away, so I am just going by his suggestion. Does this sound right?
If it's only been since January, it should be under warranty. Couldn't hurt to replace the processor.

Also, if you have the remote access software, and can connect to the ACS, download the programming and look at it. I had a corrupted system that swapping the processor and restoring from the corrupted backup card didn't solve anything. Looking at the translation file however, showed things like multiple line buttons on extensions, and all sorts of funky stuff. Luckily, the programming was pretty simple, and at least we could look at the translation file to get an idea of what was supposed to be programmed.

While you are at it, take a look at the error logs. Also look at the frequency of cold / warm starts.
I had a "flakey" system where the fix was to download the translation, clean it up and restore it. System's been fine for a couple years now. Other problems sites have been fixed with a UPS.
Thanks for the reply, TTTommy. I'm not sure about a 'translation file' - I've done Print from a Magix system and gotten the programming from it, all 400+ pages for our system! I've been downloading and printing off manuals from the Avaya website like crazy, so hopefully I'll be able to figure it all out...
If only there weren't so many different revs!!
Talk to the teir 3 avaya guys. There is a fix for this. Its not the processor (kind of) There is a flash upgrade for the R6, that fixes that problem. UNfortunately, Avaya is nt broadcasting it. It is supposed to fix remote admin connection problems as well as line problems. It also will donload new firmware to a T1 card if installed.
Hey Foxtele, is that all I have to ask for, is a "flash upgrade for a Partner R6 processor"? I would certainly like to try that, rather than having to replace the module and reprogram the system, thinking I could totally screw it up in the process...
Hi quincyb,
Too bad their isn't a covenrsion utility as in the Magix. I have many ACS R3's, a few R4's, 5's and 6's out there. Generally, all are problem free.
Flashing to an R6 is easy. Just buy the R6 backup / restore / remote admin card. All you do is turn the system off, insert the new card and power up. The ACS power light will alternate red / green for a little while. The system will then reboot. Save the translations to the card (#124, enter). Download the system information and check for lines that are assigned twice to the same phone(s) or lines assigned that weren't there before. That's really the only trouble I've had. TTT mentioned this above.
The R6 card is a 2 meg card I think, as opposed to the older 1 meg cards. Happy flashing.
I've got a R6 backup/restore/remote card as a spare... I'm not sure if the customer has the same. I will take my card to the customers' site and do as you say. Will I have to power down to remove the card? I know, on the Magix, it's hot-swapable, but is it the same on a Partner?
Many thanks for all your help!
. Will I have to power down to remove the card? I know, on the Magix, it's hot-swapable, but is it the same on a Partner?

well since its the processor I would say yes

evan if you didnt have to all functinality would stop once you removed the old one

Im not sure about the other partner cards though I always power down but I have put 206 cards in with the power on without thinking about it.

did one just the other day placed the card in the carrier part way was going to power down at 5 got distracted and ahoved it in ...oooppppsss

everything worked fine afterwords .

The normal cards that come with a new processor will do one upgrade only. The new proc. should already be at R6 if you are "borrowing" a restore card from a new proccessor. I always turn the power off. I believe the instructions are very clear on that.
OK, here is the scenario. A site had a T1 card and 2 308's with partner messaging. They were experiencing problems when people would call in (all lines are T1) they wouldnt get connected. Faxing out was the same problem. Corporate sent out a pcmcia card that flashed the R6 software to another version of the R6 (not exactly sure)

As for what do you ask Avaya when you call. Who knows..
Hopefully this web seminar on Monday will say that the R7 has no problems and all previous problems are fixed. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
Hi all,
I just wanted to confirm that by doing Feature #124 (backup), powering off the system, pull the Partner Remote Access card and placing it into a new processor card, inserting into the sytem, Feature #125 (restore), and my client should be back up and running as they were? I'm not going to lose any programming? The previous installers took all the documentation with them, so I would rather not have to rebuild...
Hi Michael,
Download the translation to your laptop using the Partner R6 PC Administration program. There's your documentation. To be ultra safe, save the program into the old upgrade card, and into the new upgrade card after the processor upgrade. You won't lose anything, but you may suffer some mild program corruption. This happens only sometimes, not that common.
If everything "goes to pot", you can reprogram from the information in Partner Administration. You can read it off the screen. This goes for everything, including button programming. Man, I wish we could upgrade a translation in the program (not the system, just the program).
You do not do a restore (#125)! The flash upgrade does it all. Do another manual backup after confirming everything is okay on whatever card you intend to leave in the system.
Hey Itpphoneguy,
It appears I need to download another admin program - I have WinSPM/SocketMagix installed on my system, for the work I've been doing on my Magix, but this is the first time I've done work on a Partner. Do you know if my SPM cable will work on a Partner?
As well, I'm looking at this big manual that I printed out, and they explain so well "You must have additional Partner Remote PC-Software to program the system remotely. (I'm downloading that as I type) You can use this PC Card to program locally with a PC." That's fine, but how do I do so? Which port do I plug into? I'm looking at the Processor card, but I don't see an Admin port to plug into...
Thanks for all your help!
You modem into Ext. 76, which is an internal modem that lives on the Remote Access/Backup card. Before you can do that, you must have a password set in #730. Then, launch the program, press F3, and select how you want to dial into the system. If you set an extension port it access intercom first, you can just connect there, use direct dial, and put 76 in the dial string. When it connects, you are prompted for the password that you set earlier. Then under Administration, retreive the system translations. It's pretty intuitive once you are connected.
Hi Michael,
As TTT said, you are local, so plug into a station port. If you are set for an outside line first, plug into the aux port on the bottom of a Partner series phone. If you have MLS series, "bridge" across the first pair on the jack and you are good to go. Get ready to connect "direct" and put "76" in the number to be dialed spot. Push an intercom button on the phone, then hit "enter" on your pc. Hang the phone up.
Once connected (your password was set #730), go into administration - retrieve system info. You will need to specify file names (translation & diagnostics).
I think you will like this program.
Thanks you two! I downloaded the admin program, and tried it on our bench system, and was able to get in and retrieve the system information. It's a different way of getting in than the Magix, but having done it a couple of times now, I won't feel uncomfortable on-site. Thanks a lot for the information, I hope I'm able to return the favor some day!
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