Our current network configuration is on a single subnet with a subnet mask of with the host addresses being This IP range was set up by a prior network admin. and he decided to use "public" addresses. We currently have only 22 addresses left. All of our addresses are statically assigned. I would like to switch to a DHCP server and change our addressing over to a "private" address range ( I would also like to allow our network to handle more that 254 hosts (ie around 1000). We would obviously have some statically assigned reserve addresses for printers, servers, etc. but statically assigning ip's has become cumbersome and we are growing beyond 254 hosts. What is the best way to handle this? What are some good links that would describe how to handle this? Thanks in advance for you responses.
Our physical hardware path from Internet to client is as follows.
T1 -> Cisco 2524 series router -> firewall -> Cisco 3750 stack -> servers and clients
Our physical hardware path from Internet to client is as follows.
T1 -> Cisco 2524 series router -> firewall -> Cisco 3750 stack -> servers and clients