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Star Office 6. What do you think of it?

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Jan 11, 2001
I have used it a little bit now and it seems to be pretty decent. I like that the menus are designed like Word now, since that is what I am used to. Some interoperability between Word 2k and SO6 apears to need a bit of work, I had a problem with a document last night. But overall, I think it is a decent product.

What are your thoughts? Mike Wills
RPG Programmer (but learning Java)

"I am bad at math because God forgot to include math.h into my program!"
Can't get it to install or run on my Win2K machine.
Really? I didn't have any problems on my Win2k Machine. Mike Wills
RPG Programmer (but learning Java)

"I am bad at math because God forgot to include math.h into my program!"
When I try to install the download, I get the brief flash of a DOS window, and then nothing.

The Player installs, though I don't know if it works properly as there were no play-able files with it. Adabas seems to install, but will not run on its own. The 95mb dl is the one that will not run.
Hmm...it does take a bit before it starts to install. Mike Wills
RPG Programmer (but learning Java)

"I am bad at math because God forgot to include math.h into my program!"
I installed OpenOffice on my Win2000 machine. Works great. It seems to load faster than SO5.2. I like that they got rid of the integrated desktop.

Is SO6 better than OpenOffice, I heard that they are essentially the same product. Is that true?
I apparently got a hiccup in the first download. DL'd the file again. This time it was 470 *bytes* longer, and installed like a champ.

I am still moderately confused, however. I find no access to a data base module. Adabas is installed, and the SO6 installation detected it. It opens and uses existing data files in a variety of formats. However, I can't find a way to create new database files.

What obvious thing am I overlooking???

I haven't figured that out myself. There is something mentioning intergrating the Adabas db software and looking in the help for it. I haven't really seen anything yet on it. I know OpenOffice doesn't include a DB because Adabas is not open source.

The two products are similar. I just metioned one of the differences above. For now they will be similar. But I think after a couple months after the full release of SO6, OF will become a better product because of the ability to release things much quicker. Mike Wills
RPG Programmer (but learning Java)

"I am bad at math because God forgot to include math.h into my program!"
I am attempting to find the install binaries for Adabas for StarOffice 6. After Staroffice installed the instructions simply said to go to set up and chose the instal for Adabas but this was unsuccessful. I have tried going through Google to find the binaries but again I was unsuccessful. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Does anyone know where I can get StarOffice 6 now? I know Sun shutdown the beta site because they are going to release StarOffice sometime soon, but that could be another 3 months. I would like to test it out because we need to decide if we are going to upgrade M$ Office or goto something else. I would like to goto something else. Thanks for the help.
Try OpenOffice, they are both basically the same. Mike Wills
AS400 Programmer
i think openoffice prints better...... i tried printing on a dot matrix 15" x 11" paper....staroffice beta prints to a slightly different page size....i.e. after a few pages, the contents are out of the page......

openoffice prints perfectly!

hope the final version of staroffice 6 prints okay....

overall it's a great product!
we've just started rolling out Star Office 5.2 because it's free and we can have shared address books, email, scheduling and databases all in one package. Ok the intergrated desktop can be annoying at first but once you get used to it, it's hadny having everything in the same place especially for inexperienced users.

Star Office 6.0 had removed all of the features we need, so if we ever upgrade we will have to look at using MS Office again or something else.
staroffice is nice they have taken away the integrated desktop. unfortunatley they have taken away the other half of the office suite too. no database, no calander, no email... this can't be an alternative to MS Office... it's just not an office productivity suite anymore...

=( very dissapointed.
We are looking at replacing MS Office with Star Office 6.0. I have a Client Access Express add-in for Excel to aid in downloading AS400 data directly into Excel. Does any know of a comparable add-in for Star Office? Also from my limited exposure to Star Office, I would also appreciate any advice or tips on adding a new add-in to Star Office, since I do not see an intuitive way of doing this.

Any help on this will be greatly apprectiated.


Glenn Bruckner
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