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Nov 30, 1999
I have been tasked with writing the co. standards for ACCESS programming. <br>
I have numerous ideas but struggling for a structure to the document. <br>
Does anyone have a document that they have prepared ?<br>
If so I would be greatful if you e-mailed me.<br>
WP <p>Bill Paton<br><a href=mailto:wpaton@neptune400.co.uk>wpaton@neptune400.co.uk</a><br><a href=
Coding standards are tough to put in stone. Everyone has their own stye. Here at my job, they don't have anything on paper, just general rules of thumb. For example, the general format of a function, subroutine, or event handler is usually:<br>
Private Function Foo(blah)<br>
On Error Goto Err_Foo<br>
Dim variables<br>
enter code here<br>
exit function<br>
error handling<br>
resume Exit_Foo<br>
End Function<br>
Hope this helps!<br>

To avoid reinventing the wheel, you might want to take off on an Access book that you feel is well written and widely available. Using it as your major reference, you could write your document using the chapter and subsection titles as your outline, summarizing the pertinent points and adding specifics where needed. For instance, the MS Office 2000 VB Programmer's Guide has a Chapter 4, "Writing Solid Code", Subsection "Naming Conventions". This tells the reader why naming conventions are desirable, you could specify that the LNC (Lesaynski Naming Conventions) will be the standard. You just need to note somewhere in the document that you are paraphrasing your source.
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