I wrote a 32 bit program that works perfectly when run from debug. It also runs perfectly when run from Windows 98 while the borland compiler is in memory. As soon as I remove the compiler, however, dialog boxes fail to appear properly.
OK. After another day's work ... and telling anyone who came near me how much I hate windows, I think I've narrowed down the problem.
Only those dialog boxes in which I've used Borland Windows Custom Controls fail to work when the compiler (4.51) isn't in memory. Any dialog box that uses only standard windows controls works properly all the time.
I tried checking the BWCC library box when I create the ide project file but it has no effect. Any ideas how I can include these custom controls and keep the program working when the compiler isn't in memory?
It sounds like you need to load the custom controls DLL either directly using an API call such as Loadlibary("some.dll" or by including the *.lib file, sometimes made by using the "libary import program", in your project file.
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