Hello -
Could you please help me figure out why the load is failing?
It’s been running all along & I’ve attempted to load the file today with the following message:
SQL3500W The utility is beginning the "LOAD" phase at time "04/29/200810:02:06.642163".
SQL2061N An attempt to access media is denied.
SQL1652N File I/O error occurred.
SQL0462W Routine "SYSPROC.DB2LOAD" (specific
name "DB2LOAD") has returned a
warning SQLSTATE, with diagnostic text "LOAD ERROR". SQLSTATE=01H00
The directory was not changed neither did the file permissions, nothing was changed on the db level.
Could you please help me figure out why the load is failing?
It’s been running all along & I’ve attempted to load the file today with the following message:
SQL3500W The utility is beginning the "LOAD" phase at time "04/29/200810:02:06.642163".
SQL2061N An attempt to access media is denied.
SQL1652N File I/O error occurred.
SQL0462W Routine "SYSPROC.DB2LOAD" (specific
name "DB2LOAD") has returned a
warning SQLSTATE, with diagnostic text "LOAD ERROR". SQLSTATE=01H00
The directory was not changed neither did the file permissions, nothing was changed on the db level.