I have a problem writing the correct syntax for SQL queries. The present problem is that I wish to select all the records in the Items table in which the field called Catname has the value in the combo box named cboCat(1)which presently have the text value of "None selected".<br>I use the statement : "select * from Items where catname= " & cboCat(1).text and get the error : Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'Catname=none selected'<br>If I use the syntax "select * from Items where catname=cboCat(1).text" it says it does not allow .! or ().<br>Can somebody please help. <p>PK Odendaal<br><a href=mailto: pko@mweb.co.za> pko@mweb.co.za</a><br><a href= > </a><br>