What I am trying to do:
I have a header table and a detail table. Both tables have a boolean column. I want to update the boolean in the header to be false if all of the matching detail records are false, or true if any of the detail records are true. I have tried many approaches with similar results. What is included here is just one of them.
The problem in a nutshell:
My VBA code opens a DAO recordset based on an SQL (see below). If I run the SQL in a query window, it returns the correct results. However, the same query loads all records into the recordset, not just the matching ones.
The code:
This bit of code just includes a debug statment where there would be a query to update the header table. The SQL returned by the first debug statement will return the correct records if run in a query window. The second debug statement prints a row for each record in the table rather than just those returned by the query as I would expect. The boolean column in the header table is named "qualify". The query finds associate records where the sum of the values of qualify = 0, or false.
I would appreciate any help understanding why this is behaving this way, or suggestions for a better way to do this.
Thank you in advance.
'Select associate IDs from the detail table where all
'booleans are false.
sRollexc = "select tbltempreport.assoc_id from tbltempreport where rpt_id = " & Chr(34) & sRptID & Chr(34) & " " & _
"group by tbltempreport.assoc_id having sum(qualify) = 0"
Debug.Print sRollexc
Set rstRollexc = db.OpenRecordset(sRollexc)
With rstRollexc
If .RecordCount Then
Do Until .EOF
'Print the contents of the recordset.
Debug.Print .Fields("assoc_id")
End If
End With
I have a header table and a detail table. Both tables have a boolean column. I want to update the boolean in the header to be false if all of the matching detail records are false, or true if any of the detail records are true. I have tried many approaches with similar results. What is included here is just one of them.
The problem in a nutshell:
My VBA code opens a DAO recordset based on an SQL (see below). If I run the SQL in a query window, it returns the correct results. However, the same query loads all records into the recordset, not just the matching ones.
The code:
This bit of code just includes a debug statment where there would be a query to update the header table. The SQL returned by the first debug statement will return the correct records if run in a query window. The second debug statement prints a row for each record in the table rather than just those returned by the query as I would expect. The boolean column in the header table is named "qualify". The query finds associate records where the sum of the values of qualify = 0, or false.
I would appreciate any help understanding why this is behaving this way, or suggestions for a better way to do this.
Thank you in advance.
'Select associate IDs from the detail table where all
'booleans are false.
sRollexc = "select tbltempreport.assoc_id from tbltempreport where rpt_id = " & Chr(34) & sRptID & Chr(34) & " " & _
"group by tbltempreport.assoc_id having sum(qualify) = 0"
Debug.Print sRollexc
Set rstRollexc = db.OpenRecordset(sRollexc)
With rstRollexc
If .RecordCount Then
Do Until .EOF
'Print the contents of the recordset.
Debug.Print .Fields("assoc_id")
End If
End With