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SQL Query 2

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Feb 19, 2003
I need to enter a sql query for a field.

I have the following query, which will populate the field. How do I enter this or the equivalent?

SELECT distinct i1.scan_id
FROM item_xref i1 join
item_xref i2 on i1.itm_id = i2.itm_id
WHERE i1.scan_id <> i2.itm_id

It essentially queries the table, which has two columns as such
Col_A Col_B
12345 88
88 88

It returns only the unique value from Col_A.

I can use the column directly when creating a new field (Item_xref.Col_A), but then the report will show two line, 12345 and 88.

any help would be great

Have you considered displaying Col_A in a subreport?

I'm not sure I understand the scope of everything you are trying to do... what do you mean a sql query on a &quot;field&quot;, do you mean the entire report is a single column of values?

Depending on the database, sometimes you can select the values into a temporary table and then use them in another query.

Here is one query I did that does everything in a single query:

SELECT distinct aafile.aa_name, rtfile1.rt_class, rafile.ra_sid, rafile.ra_cs_ehrs, rafile.ra_cs_qhrs, rafile.ra_cs_trf_ehrs, rafile.ra_cs_gpa, ra_cs_qhrs + ra_cs_trf_ehrs as ret_hrs
from dbo_aafile_root_seg_header as aafile, dbo_rafile_cs AS rafile, dbo_rtfile_root_seg_array_acad_pgm_key AS rtfile1
INNER JOIN dbo_rtfile_root_seg_array_acad_pgm_key AS rtfile2
ON (rtfile1.rt_sid = rtfile2.rt_sid and
rtfile1.rt_term = '1990F' and
rtfile2.rt_term = '1991S' and
WHERE rtfile2.rt_term = '1991S'
AND rtfile2.rt_sid = rafile.ra_sid
AND rtfile2.rt_sid = aafile.aa_ssn
AND rtfile2.rt_sid = rafile.ra_sid
order by 3

Here's the SAME result using a temp table:
--Create temporary table for Step1 & Step2
declare @t1 table ( rt_sid char(10) )

--Find all Students who are both 1990F and 1990S
insert into @t1 (rt_sid)
select distinct rtfile1.RT_SID
ON (rtfile1.RT_SID = rtfile2.RT_SID AND
rtfile1.rt_term = '1990F' AND
rtfile2.rt_term = '1991S')

--Display the Student id, class and term
select distinct aafile.aa_name, rtfile.rt_sid, rtfile.rt_class, rtfile.rt_term, rafile.ra_cs_ehrs, rafile.ra_cs_qhrs, rafile.ra_cs_trf_ehrs, rafile.ra_cs_gpa, ra_cs_qhrs + ra_cs_trf_ehrs as ret_hrs
from dbo_RTFILE_ROOT_SEG_ARRAY_ACAD_PGM_KEY as rtfile, dbo_rafile_cs AS rafile, dbo_aafile_root_seg_header as aafile
where rtfile.rt_sid in (select rt_sid from @t1)
AND rtfile.rt_term = '1991S'
AND rtfile.rt_sid = rafile.ra_sid
AND rtfile.rt_sid = aafile.aa_ssn
AND rtfile.rt_sid = rafile.ra_sid
order by 2

thank you.

The report uses one database, and two tables. It gets an item from table1. Table two is joined on the common item record (Col_B). The second table has this structure:

Col_A Col_B
12345 88
88 88

The query I have derives the unique number. I have a column in the report that should display Col_A data, but I only want the unique value for the item.

I originally created the field, but the report then displays both values for item (88). Thus the query to derive the unique value.

I do not know how to create/modify the column so that it can use this query.


If I am reading this correctly. You want to display column A, but only if column A is not the same as column B.

If that is true. Add the following to your selection formula

{table1.ColA} <> {table2.ColB}

Depends on the version of CR.

If you have 8.5 or less, you can't write a custom SQL Statement, so a quick cheat is to use a suppress in the details (right click the details->X-2 alongside the Suppress) which is something like:

table.Col_A = table.Col_B

This would suppress those that are the same.

Another means would be to group on the Col_B and display the results in the group footer (rather than details), this assumes that COL_A > COL_B.

-k kai@informeddatadecisions.com
Even with the suppress, the Crystal Code is as follows:

Packing_List.&quot;TRNS_NBR&quot;, Packing_List.&quot;RGST_ID&quot;, Packing_List.&quot;ITM_ID&quot;, Packing_List.&quot;STYLE_ID&quot;, Packing_List.&quot;CHAR_VALUE_1&quot;, Packing_List.&quot;CHAR_VALUE_2&quot;, Packing_List.&quot;CHAR_VALUE_3&quot;, Packing_List.&quot;CHAR_VALUE_4&quot;, Packing_List.&quot;DESCR&quot;, Packing_List.&quot;RTL_PRC&quot;, Packing_List.&quot;EXT_PRC&quot;, Packing_List.&quot;ORD_QTY&quot;, Packing_List.&quot;SHIP_QTY&quot;,

{ oj (&quot;Packing_List&quot; Packing_List INNER JOIN &quot;Tradewind&quot;.&quot;dbo&quot;.&quot;Item_Xref&quot; Item_Xref ON
Packing_List.&quot;ITM_ID&quot; = Item_Xref.&quot;ITM_ID&quot; )
LEFT OUTER JOIN &quot;Transfer_Comment&quot; Transfer_Comment ON
Packing_List.&quot;TRNS_NBR&quot; = Transfer_Comment.&quot;TRNS_NBR&quot;}

The result looks like:

Header1 Col_A Col_B Header4 Header5
xxxxxx 88 12345 xxxxxxx xxxxxxx
xxxxxx 88 xxxxxxx xxxxxxx

I do not want that second row printing at all. The suppress only removed the Col_B from printing.

Thank in advance. Great tips!
you don't want to suppress it, you want it to go away. Add the item I gave you to your selection formula.

Lisa, and others.

I must apologize.

There will be time whwre the Col_A and Col_B values will be a 1:1 situation, such as
Col_A Col_B
12345 88
88 88
999 999
777 777
444 35
35 35

What I need to see is

Therefore if count(Col_A) > 1 for the same Col_B, only show me the unique value, else show me the Col_A value that = Col_b


I've experienced similar before, I used the following, however, it is not very pretty but it shows the correct data (so far anyway!) :

Group by Col_B

create a formula with the following and place in detail :

if {Col_A}-{Col_B} = 0 then 0 else {Col_A}

create another formula with the following and place in the Group Footer :

if count({Col_B},{Col_B}) = 1 then {Col_A} else sum({formula1},{Col_B})

supress the group header and the detail sections.

Hope this helps, and I know I'm leaving myself open to lots of comments from the crystal experts, but it meets my needs. If anyone knows of a better way, I'd be happy to use it. Reebo
Scotland (Raining)
Hello Reebo,

unfortunately the Col_A and Col_B are varchar type, and I get a warning that number is required right after the &quot;IF&quot;

use cdbl() e.g. cdbl({Col_A}), assuming that the contents can be converted to numbers. Reebo
Scotland (Raining)
sorry Reebo, no dice. I now get a &quot;summary/ running total could not be created&quot;

Frustrating for something that seems so simple.
change :
if count({Col_B},{Col_B}) = 1 then {Col_A} else sum({formula1},{Col_B})

if count({Col_B},{Col_B}) = 1 then {Col_A} else maximum({formula1},{Col_B})

I'm assuming you used CDbl() on all instances of {Col_A} and {Col_B}?
Scotland (Raining)
sorry mate,

same message with either sum or maximum. I have the CDbl on all instances of Col_A or Col_B.

why not create a view on the database and select only where the columns are different or the same depending on what you want?

I have created the view, and it works just lovely. From the above thread, I the following:

Col_A Col_B
12345 88
88 88
999 999
777 777
444 35
35 35

The report prints this out:
QTY Col_B Col_A Header4 Header5
1 88 12345 xxxxxxx xxxxxxx
1 88 88 xxxxxxx xxxxxxx
1 777 777
What I need to print is:
QTY Col_B Col_A Header4 Header5
2 88 12345 xxxxxxx xxxxxxx
1 777 777 xxxxxxx xxxxxxx

I must join two tables to get the Col_A value, the problem is is that it keeps showing both lines no matter what I have tried.

any help is greatly appreciated.
sorry, I have the view created, but do not know how to use this with Crystal

Add database, click options and make sure the 'Views' checkbox is ticked. Then use it just like a regular table.

you may be on to something. I have created the view, and it display what I need, but I just can't seem to get Crystal to let me see it as a table. I see another view (created a while ago) as a valid table, but not this new one. I have refreshed SQL Server, as well as through Crystal. Any thoughts on how to get Crystal to let me see my little lovel;y view?

Cheers, (I can feel I am almost home).
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