My table shows as:
Book Author DateBought
Tom Sawyer C Dickens 01/01/01
Spiderman S Smith 04/04/05
Tom Sawyer C Dickens 02/02/02
Spiderman S Smith 04/05/05
As you can see the Book and Authors are the same but not the DateBought. I want to have a query that will display the Book, Author and DateBought one time (the one with the date closest to today) So the end result looks like this:
Book Author DateBought
Tom Sawyer C Dickens 04/05/05
Spiderman S Smith 04/04/05
Is this possible with one query?
Book Author DateBought
Tom Sawyer C Dickens 01/01/01
Spiderman S Smith 04/04/05
Tom Sawyer C Dickens 02/02/02
Spiderman S Smith 04/05/05
As you can see the Book and Authors are the same but not the DateBought. I want to have a query that will display the Book, Author and DateBought one time (the one with the date closest to today) So the end result looks like this:
Book Author DateBought
Tom Sawyer C Dickens 04/05/05
Spiderman S Smith 04/04/05
Is this possible with one query?