Hi, I am trying to get the results of all dates from the dateout table dynamically as well as performing a join but instead of querying them and listing them in a query one at a time I'd like to do it dynamically where the distinct dates are selected and looped through. How might I do this? The query below is what I'm working on. Thanks, Aaron
outdate as 'campaign name',
(select count(*) from outtable ot2 where ot2.outdate =
outtable.outdate) as Total,
count(outdate) as 'match'
outtable right join intable on outvalue = invalue
outdate IN (select outdate FROM OutTable)
and indate between outdate and ADDDATE(outdate, INTERVAL 1 MONTH)
group by outdate
This result below is what I'd like if the query was dynamically selecting the dates and results.
campaign name total match
2009-01-05 5 3
2009-03-01 4 3
2009-04-01 4 3
Here is the data.
| InDate | InValue |
|2009-01-01 | 05 |
|2009-01-02 | 06 |
|2009-01-03 | 07 |
|2009-03-01 | 05 |
|2009-03-02 | 06 |
|2009-03-03 | 07 |
|2009-04-01 | 05 |
|2009-04-02 | 06 |
|2009-04-03 | 07 |
| OutDate | OutValue|
|2009-01-05 | 05 |
|2009-01-05 | 06 |
|2009-01-05 | 07 |
|2009-01-05 | 50 |
|2009-01-05 | 51 |
|2009-03-01 | 05 |
|2009-03-01 | 06 |
|2009-03-01 | 07 |
|2009-03-01 | 18 |
|2009-04-01 | 05 |
|2009-04-01 | 06 |
|2009-04-01 | 07 |
|2009-04-01 | 20 |
outdate as 'campaign name',
(select count(*) from outtable ot2 where ot2.outdate =
outtable.outdate) as Total,
count(outdate) as 'match'
outtable right join intable on outvalue = invalue
outdate IN (select outdate FROM OutTable)
and indate between outdate and ADDDATE(outdate, INTERVAL 1 MONTH)
group by outdate
This result below is what I'd like if the query was dynamically selecting the dates and results.
campaign name total match
2009-01-05 5 3
2009-03-01 4 3
2009-04-01 4 3
Here is the data.
| InDate | InValue |
|2009-01-01 | 05 |
|2009-01-02 | 06 |
|2009-01-03 | 07 |
|2009-03-01 | 05 |
|2009-03-02 | 06 |
|2009-03-03 | 07 |
|2009-04-01 | 05 |
|2009-04-02 | 06 |
|2009-04-03 | 07 |
| OutDate | OutValue|
|2009-01-05 | 05 |
|2009-01-05 | 06 |
|2009-01-05 | 07 |
|2009-01-05 | 50 |
|2009-01-05 | 51 |
|2009-03-01 | 05 |
|2009-03-01 | 06 |
|2009-03-01 | 07 |
|2009-03-01 | 18 |
|2009-04-01 | 05 |
|2009-04-01 | 06 |
|2009-04-01 | 07 |
|2009-04-01 | 20 |