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SQL Instances - What are the benefits?

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Jan 31, 2001
Trying to figure out best way to install SQL 2005. What are the advantages or disadvantages to using named instances over a default instance?

Sacramento, CA
It all depends on your environment really and your set standards. There is no one disadvantage or advantage over a named instance vs a default instance that I know of. The only thing I can think of is you can of course only have one default instance on the one server

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We use named instances becuase it keeps applications seperate. For example we have one for financial. one for call management, one for EDI, etc. If you only have one instance anyway, I can't think of a real advantage.
In my opinion, security is the biggest benefit.

Suppose you purchase software from a company that uses a SQL database. Also suppose that this software requires system administrator priveleges. Obviously, this wouldn't be the best way to write the software, but just suppose it existed.

Now, you wouldn't necessarily want this software to have access to other data that you may be storing in your system, so, you could create a named instance and give them system administrator priveleges to that instance.


Strong and bitter words indicate a weak cause. - Fortune cookie wisdom
>>What are the advantages or disadvantages to using named instances over a default instance?

You can have multiple named instances but only one default. sometimes when you instal different versions you have to make one of them a default instance

And Like George said security, however I don't run multiple instances except on staging/development boxes

Denis The SQL Menace
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>>What are the advantages or disadvantages to using named instances over a default instance?

And don't forget performance. when you start running multiple instances of SQL on one server they are going to compete for resources.

- Paul [batman]
- If at first you don't succeed, find out if the loser gets anything.
Thanks for all your responses.

Sacramento, CA
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