Good one today, using a VB6 application (currently programming) with a VFP database back end.
What I have as part of it is a table that lists relevant data and two date fields.
What I want to do is use a SQL delete where the date is equal to or less than another date entered.
The syntax looks fine but it comes up missing operator or type mismatch.
The field in the database is set to Date and is standard 8 in length ie DD/MM/YY.
The statement is below:
strSQL = "DELETE FROM serials WHERE " _
& "serials.date_shipped <= 27/04/05"
With rstDelSerials
.Open strSQL, mcnn2, , , adCmdText
End With 'rstDelSerials
p.s. just incase the date is set to American (which I won't expect I have also tried 01/01/01.
Any ideas?