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SQL Database and Storing Fields in Variables

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Oct 5, 2002
As the subject states, I am looking for a way to store database items/records inside variables. I am not pulling one value, but 9 fields and hundreds of rows. Thus, I cannot use ExecuteScalar or the like.

What I am doing is pulling the multiple rows of these 9 fields (there are more fields in the DB, these are just the ones I have filtered out as needed) and want to output the data as a CSV. I have no problem with text manipulation nor binding data to a control on a form. I am writing a function in VB.net for someone else to call from their ASP.net page. In this particular situation, I do not need to retain or modify the data just take the data, manipulate it into CSV format, and output.

So far the whole program is written save for assigning a variable to the field values i.e.:

Dim sFName As String
Dim sLName As String
Dim sUID As String

sFName = <enter code>
sLName = <enter code>
sUID = <enter code>

As I said, I have no problem with the manipulation, nor with binding data fields to controls... but I cannot use controls in this particular situation.

Any suggestions?
Forgot to note. <enter code> would be where I would contain the code assigning the field values to the variable (I know all of you are intelligent, so please do not take the update as a &quot;hit to your brains&quot;).
Alrighty, since no one answered the question, I have a solution already.
(For those of you who have wondered how to do this):

using &quot;LastName&quot; for an example as a field,

LastName = myDataSet.Tables(&quot;TableName&quot;).Rows(Me.BindingContext(myDataSet, &quot;TableName&quot;).Position).Item(&quot;LastName&quot;)

It's easier than that:

LastName = myDataSet.Tables(&quot;TableName&quot;).Rows(i).Item(LastName)

i would be a counter variable in which you would iterate through a loop.

But a shortcut to get all the data from each row in one swoop would be something like this:

Dim CSVRow As String
Dim r As DataRow
     For Each r In ds.Tables(&quot;yourTable&quot;).Rows
          CSVRow = &quot;&quot;
          Dim value As Object
          For Each value In r.ItemArray
                CSVRow += value.ToString & &quot;,&quot;
          CSVRow = Mid(CSVRow, 1, Len(CSVRow) - 1)
          'Do Something with your Row of Data Here....write it out as a line in your .csv file or something
Yes, I know that I could have used a variable there... However, what happens if by some chance the variable's value changes? This way was a way I found with minimal risk of loss of data.
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