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Spybot Search and Destroy 1.2 bugs? 2

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Jun 21, 2002


Downloaded Spybot 1.2, the 3/16/2003 new release over my Spybot 1.1. Downloaded latest "detection file update" and installed it into Spybot.

Encountered following problems:

1. Scan stalled out at Lop.com(2)--(my item number 2957 in scan process)-- and I had difficulty getting out of (closing)utility and had to do Ctrl/Alt/Delete and reboot with messy exit.

2. Clock for Spybot didn't always "kick in"/appear in right hand lower corner.

3. tried Add/Remove programs in Control Panel which would not respond...had to manually find various Spybot folders/files in Start/Find, plus Spybot's own "uninstall"
command which does something but doesn't uninstall totally.

Did I have bad luck/flaky download?

Comments? Thoughts? Analogues? Should I simply try again?
Hey Rich,

How have you been?

Try this first...

Scan installation file for virii.

Disable (active) virus scanning.

Re-install SpyBot.

Try again to scan.

Let me know.
Hello, WheeDoggy
Do you mean specifically: rightclick on the Spybot install executable sitting on my Desktop and choose "Scan for Virus"?

Is that what you mean...?

Having done that, do you mean then disable my virus scan?

I wonder if anybody else had the bad experience I had with the new Spybot...if not that tells me my download was jinxed somehow..

Thanks...as always

Hi Rich,

Yes. Just VScan the install executable, then disable the active virus scanning - ie "AutoProtect".

Sometimes the autoprotect can muck up an installation.

Although, I am unsure if maybe you needed to uninstall the old version prior to installing the new one......


So happens I uninstalled all Spybot stuff to wipe slate clean. It wasn't routine via Add/Remove Programs and that too worried me a bit...think I've gotten road of both 1.1. and 1.2 versions

Finally: Had none of this problem whatsoever with Spybot 1.1., the earlier version,where everything went smoothly from initial download to use.

Don't remember disabling virus scan for original Spybot 1.1. download...now that I think about it...
Hello, WheeDoggy

Current Update:

Did what you said and downloaded Spybot 1.2 install executable. Scanned this file for viruses and found none. Installed after disabling virus scan.

Installation went fine and Spybot showed up on Start Menu/Programs.(plus Shortcut on Desktop)

No problem yet...however when I ran scan, scan process again stopped at C2.lop (cookie?)
This time I went to EXCLUDE and checked off C2.lop checkbox and this time scan went thru...

This is the identical problem I had the first time with Spybot 1.2 on 3/16/2003, release day.

In other words: scan hangs up at C2.lop....seems weird to have to exclude a cookie to have the Spybot scan do its thing...how can that be?


Sorry, Bad News...............

See: Apparently, the previous version of SpyBot had trouble getting rid of this one too.

There has been a thread on this before here on tek-tips.

Try the suggestions posted here and if still no luck I will see what I can do to assist further.

Hi, WheeDoggy

You're a wiz, if ever there was one!

Read the discussions you mentioned in your post. Oddly, I never experienced this problem in Spybot 1.1...

Not clear to me what to do...I could download Adaware 6.0
and see if that works/handles C2.lop...seems kind of cumbersome to pile on the systems...

Wonder if there's a fix...I'm surprised no one else mentions this for Spybot 1.2...that might motivate the creators to put a fix in their next detection update file..



Have now read up on lop.com/C2lop.com and I don't seem to have the dialer/BHO/hijacker hassles mentioned in the articles.

My case is simpler: Spybot 1.2 won't complete scan of 5835
items but seems to "hang" at C2lop.com at 2975!

If I EXCLUDE C2lop.com in Spybot, the scan goes thru!!

Can't begin to guess what this implies or signifies...

I'm actually not experiencing "crazy" lop.com/hijacker symptoms so don't know what to make of this...I realize i could download Lavasoft's Adaware 6.0 and try double-barrel approach..two spyware removers. Bit reluctant to mix and match that way...

Find it surprising other Spybot 1.2 users don't seem to be reporting this problem...never had this with Spybot 1.1 but that could of course mean the C2lop.com spyware entered between Spybot versions...who knows?

Thanks for help.

Hi, WheeDoggy, et al

See below for Spybot's own forum...the Spybot team says this problem is a known one and they're looking into it.

Just thought I'd let you know and perhaps help someone else in my situation....richardhot

See below:


Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: Mar. 2003
Posted: Mar. 18 2003,02:09


Having problem with Spybot 1.2, the newest release.

My scan stops at C2.lop in the 2900's and won't proceed unless and until I EXCLUDE this item...

Any thoughts? Ideas? Guesses?

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Group: Administrator
Posts: 635
Joined: June 2002
Posted: Mar. 18 2003,04:08

Hi, and welcome to the board!

Yup, this has been reported by a number of people and it is being looked at.



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Group: Team Spybot S&D
Posts: 548
Joined: Oct. 2002
Posted: Mar. 18 2003,17:07

Exclude it for the time being, but remember to remove it from Single excludes after the problem gets fixed.

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Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: Mar. 2003
Posted: Mar. 19 2003,01:53

Dear Spybot Administrators, Tony and cnm, et al

Thanks for your friendly and clear responsiveness...

This scan freeze-up happens at item 2957, C2.lop (out of 5835 total)

Another result of this: one can't close the Spybot screen by clicking on the X in the upper right corner and has to do Ctrl/Alt/delete to exit task..
Just thought I'd let you know so that all aspects of problem--at least to my knowledge--would be shared with you fellows.
By the way: My box runs on Win98SE, my browser is IE5.5 (Servicepack 2)

All the best, thanks
(ps it would be wonderful if you had a file called "fixes" that came along with detection updates so that users would be aware of various repairs and fixes like the anticipated one for this C2lop "hang" problem...users wouldn't have to guess at the timing of fixes, they'd know directly from your "fixes' reports...thanks)

Edited by richardhot on Mar. 19 2003,02:04

Hello, WheeDoggy, et al

Thanks informative post...will check out.

Seems like Spybot people are now well aware of the fact that
their version 1.2 product has these problems, ranging from C2.lop scan "hangs" to uninstall hassles, etc.

Go to: their forum site/discussions.

Thanks for so much help...
Hello, all

New hassle!!



Spybot 1.1 was troublefree...1.2 seems fragile...

richardhot (ps have posted problem in Spybot forums)

Please disregard previous post from me.

I confused EXCLUDES/File Extensions with SETTINGS/File Sets

in Spybot...


Any thoughts by anyone with experience in simultaneous use of mutiple anti-spyware programs such as Adaware 6.0 together with Spybot 1.2 (with spywareblaster)...?

Tips? Pointers? Pitfalls? Any do's and don'ts? Overkill?

Other freeware combos you recommend, perhaps..?

(Win98Se+IE5.5/Sp2 box)

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