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Splitting a year range like 92-95 to show 92 93 94 95 1

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Nov 10, 2009
I have a field in a database that currently shows, for example, the following:




If the field contains like 92-95, I need a formula to convert the years to show 92 93 94 95 and extract them so only the years show without the make/model info.

Do all the records with a year range cut off the first digit? In your first post we were using 92-95 AEROSTAR (FORD VAN), and I thought it was working with that value.

And since I don't have any other ideas at the moment, are you sure it's not something like the field isn't wide enough?

I figured it out - brain fart on my end. It's working fine. I do have one question though...will this work on future vehicle years? For example, if a year range spans, say 07-12 or 99-11, will the years show 07 08 09 10 11 12, or 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11?
Been there many times.

You're right about the future years - it would have broken starting with 2010. This will work for the next 40 years:

// First extract only the numbers.

stringvar v_newcar := "";
numbervar v_counter := 1;

while isnumeric({Sheet1_.Values}[v_counter]) or {Sheet1_.Values}[v_counter] = "-"

(if isnumeric({Sheet1_.Values}[v_counter])
v_newcar := v_newcar + {Sheet1_.Values}[v_counter]
else v_newcar;
v_counter := v_counter + 1);


// Next create an array and split the numbers into two digit values.

stringvar array v_array := [left(v_newcar,2),""];
numbervar v_counter2 := 3;

while v_counter2 <= len(v_newcar)

(v_array[v_counter2 - 1] := mid(v_newcar,v_counter2,v_counter2 + 1);
redim preserve v_array[ubound(v_array) + 1];
v_counter2 := v_counter2 + 2);

// Convert the years to four digits.

numbervar v_anothercounter := 1;
while v_anothercounter < ubound(v_array)

(if left(v_array[v_anothercounter],1) in ["0","1","2","3","4"] then v_array[v_anothercounter] := "20" + v_array[v_anothercounter]
else v_array[v_anothercounter] := "19" + v_array[v_anothercounter];
v_anothercounter := v_anothercounter + 1);

// Last create another array and populate it with the min, max, and all values in between.

numbervar v_min := tonumber(v_array[1]);
numbervar v_max := tonumber(v_array[ubound(v_array) - 1]);
stringvar array v_display := [totext(v_min,0)];
numbervar v_counter3 := 2;
numbervar v_counter4 := v_min;

while v_counter4 < v_max

(redim preserve v_display[v_counter3];
v_display[v_counter3] := totext(v_counter4 + 1,0);
v_counter3 := v_counter3 + 1;
v_counter4 := v_counter4 + 1);

numbervar v_loop :=1;
while v_loop <= ubound(v_display)

(v_display[v_loop] := right(v_display[v_loop],2);
v_loop := v_loop + 1);

if ubound(v_display) = 2 then v_display[1]
join(v_display," ");

For my own benefit, I'd like to figure out a way to display just the years for the records that look like:

98 AUDI A4; 99 AUDI A4 ;02 AUDI S4

So keep an eye on this thread and if I get it working I'll post in the next day or two.

Hey Brian. Have you had a chance to think any more about how to display just the years for the records that look like:

98 AUDI A4; 99 AUDI A4 ;02 AUDI A4

It turns out that I do need this for the report. Tks.

I almost had it working but not quite. I'll revisit it as soon as I have some time, but it might take a day or two.

It was too much of a pain to get everything working in one formula, so I ended up with three custom functions and one formula that calls all three.

This assumes that discrete values are always separated with a semicolon, and range values are always separated with a dash.

If you haven't used custom functions before, you can access them in the formula workshop - right click, New.

First one - called ProcessDiscreteValues

Function (stringVar LocalValues);
Local stringVar array DiscreteValues := Split (LocalValues, ";");
Local numberVar i;

For i := 1 to UBound (DiscreteValues) Do
    DiscreteValues[i] := Left (DiscreteValues[i], 2)
LocalValues := Join (DiscreteValues,", ");

Second one - called ProcessRangeOfValues

Function (stringVar LocalValues);

Local stringVar MinString := LocalValues[1 to 2];
Local stringVar MaxString := LocalValues[4 to 5];

Local numberVar MinYear;
Local numberVar MaxYear;
Local numberVar NumberOfYears;
Local numberVar i;
Local stringVar array YearsArray;

If MinString[1] in ["0" to "4"] Then
    MinString := "20"  & MinString
    MinString := "19"  & MinString;

If MaxString[1] in ["0" to "4"] Then
    MaxString := "20"  & MaxString
    MaxString := "19"  & MaxString;

MinYear := ToNumber (MinString);
MaxYear := ToNumber (MaxString);

NumberOfYears := MaxYear - MinYear + 1;

redim  YearsArray[NumberOfYears];

For i := 1 to NumberOfYears Do
    YearsArray[i] := Right (ToText ((MinYear + i - 1), 0, ""), 2)
LocalValues := Join (YearsArray, ", ");

Third one - called ProcessSingleValue

Function (stringvar LocalValue);
LocalValue := LocalValue[1 to 2];

Last, create a formula to return the formatted values:

Local stringVar Values := {YourDBField};
//  Get rid of embedded spaces
    Values := Replace (Values, " ", "");
//  Now decide whether to treat Values for multiple discrete values,
//  a range, or a single discrete value
If InStr (Values, ";") > 0 Then
    ProcessDiscreteValues (Values)
Else If InStr (Values, "-") > 0 Then
   ProcessRangeOfValues (Values)
    ProcessSingleValue (Values);

You only have to change the formula to your database field, the functions can't reference any database field.

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