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Split returned values from Function

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Technical User
Oct 18, 2004
Hi All,
Ok first this is what I want to do, I want to fill a combobox on a form based on the user selection from a different combobox.

The combobox I want to fill will contain a sales ID and a salesperson name.
I would like to use my existing function to fill this combobox the function is as follows:

Public Function FillRecordset(SQL) As String
Set cnnICInquiry = CurrentProject.Connection
'Function used to create a string statement for the combo box rowsource
On Error GoTo err_FilLRecordset

rstTemp.Open SQL, cnnICInquiry, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

With rstTemp
  'clear list
    strList = ""
    If .RecordCount > 0 Then
        For intCtr = 0 To .Fields.Count - 1
            'strList = strList & .Fields(intCtr).Name & ";"
        Next intCtr
        Do Until .EOF
            For intCtr = 0 To .Fields.Count - 1
                strList = strList & .Fields(intCtr).Value & ";"
            Next intCtr
        'If the list is longer than combo limitations, then display label showing error
        If Len(strList) > 2047 Then
            Form_frmMain.lblList.Visible = True
            Exit Function
        End If
    'IF there are not roles or tiers associated with salesperson/customer for time frame
    ' let end user know then reset the frames
        MsgBox ("There are no associated IC payments for the selection made")
        Form_frmMain.fraICRoles.Value = 1
        Form_frmMain.fraTierPercentage.Value = 1
        Form_frmMain.lstICRole.Value = ""
        Form_frmMain.cboTier.Value = ""
        Form_frmMain.lstICRole.Visible = False
        Form_frmMain.cboTier.Visible = False
    End If
    FillRecordset = strList
End With
Exit Function
    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume exit_FillRecordset
End Function
As you can see I will get my values but they are returned in a string like :
112345; Joe Smith; 112346;Jane Doe

How can I take what I have returning and put it into two columns in a combobox to look like:
 Column 1   Column 2
       112345     Joe Smith
       112346     Jane Doe
On the combo box, the Row Source Type has to be Value List, the Column COunt has to be 2 and you may have to include quotation marks arround the Sales Persons' names.


"True organizational power lies in the paradigm shift from
Efficient Data Management to Effective Data Mastery."
Exactly as boxhead said, but I don't believe you need quotes, around the string values (as your original code shows).

MrsMope, here's a small suggestion to streamline your code a bit. I like to use the GetString(), when obtaining a rowsource, from a recordset...

Public Function FillRecordset(SQL) As String
Set cnnICInquiry = CurrentProject.Connection
'Function used to create a string statement for the combo box rowsource
On Error GoTo err_FilLRecordset

rstTemp.Open SQL, cnnICInquiry, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

With rstTemp
'clear list
strList = ""
If Not .EOF Then
strList = .GetString(vbClipstring,";",";")

'If the list is longer than combo limitations, then display label showing error
If Len(strList) > 2047 Then
Form_frmMain.lblList.Visible = True
GoTo exit_FillRecordset:
End If
'IF there are not roles or tiers associated with salesperson/customer for time frame
' let end user know then reset the frames
MsgBox ("There are no associated IC payments for the selection made")
strList = ""
Form_frmMain.fraICRoles.Value = 1
Form_frmMain.fraTierPercentage.Value = 1
Form_frmMain.lstICRole.Value = ""
Form_frmMain.cboTier.Value = ""
Form_frmMain.lstICRole.Visible = False
Form_frmMain.cboTier.Visible = False
End If
FillRecordset = strList
End With
.Close: Set rstTemp = Nothing

Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume exit_FillRecordset

End Function
or just use VB's split() function to turn your string into an array...

just an idea
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