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Split main data sheet in other sheets based on customer name 1

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Mar 4, 2015

I have a list of customers in a data sheet with 5 other columns of data relating to the customer.

I want to do the following from the data sheet.

In the same workbook create a new tab from the customer name and also copy in all the other column information relating to that customer.

So if I have 5 different customer names in the main data sheet, I will have 5 new tabs with their names on the tabs and also the information relating to that customer in the named sheet.

I have found a lot of code where I can name the tabs, some work ok, but none where it takes the related columns and rows also.

Any help please. Thanks in advance
A little bit more forward.

I now have a sheet with the tabs Source, Query and Custlist

In the custlist sheet I have a unique list of customers from the Source sheet.

I have made the custlist into a table called Tcust

I have gone to the Query sheet and tried in column A1 to give it a data validation of List and source of =Custlist

When I click OK on this I get a message saying a Named Range you have specified cannot be found. So stuck here at the moment. Any ideas please.

Sorry about this but another update.

I now have the data validation working and in the query sheet have it in A1 and showing the customer name in the drop down list.

I now cannot figure out how to create a query that will work, how do I query to the sheet I am using, being it all the same one?

Final one, have it all working now. Thanks for the reply's last week and good example to work from.

Just got back to view your posts today. Glad that you've worked out each of those issues.

I'd strongly suggest something that I did with nearly all of my MS Queries in Excel.
Turn on your macro recorder.
EDIT the query (Right-Click > Table > Edit Query... > File > Return data to Microsoft Excel
Turn off your recorder

Here's my macro record result while editing the CustList...
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro

    With Selection.ListObject.QueryTable
        .Connection = Array(Array( _
        "ODBC;DSN=Excel Files;DBQ=C:\Users\Skip\Documents\tt-NewTabs.xlsm;DefaultDir=C:\Users\Skip\Documents;DriverId=1046;MaxBufferSize=2048" _
        ), Array(";PageTimeout=5;"))
        .CommandText = Array( _
        "SELECT DISTINCT `Sheet1$`.Customer" & Chr(13) & "" & Chr(10) & "FROM `Source$` `Sheet1$`")
        .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
    End With
End Sub

What I do next is something that I've done and will continue to do, changing the above to what is below...
Sub qCustList()
'SkipVought 2018 AUG 7 (a day that will live in infamy)
    Dim sPath As String, sDB As String, sSRC As String
    Dim sConn As String, sSQL As String
    sPath = ThisWorkbook.Path   'path for this workbook
    sDB = ThisWorkbook.Name     'name of this workbook
    sSRC = wsSource.Name       'wsSource is the (name) or CodeName
    sConn = "ODBC;DSN=Excel Files;"
    sConn = sConn & "DBQ=" & sPath & "\" & sDB & ";"
    sConn = sConn & "DefaultDir=" & sPath & ";"
    sConn = sConn & "DriverId=1046;MaxBufferSize=2048"

    sSQL = sSQL & " a.Customer"
    sSQL = sSQL & vbLf
    sSQL = sSQL & "FROM `'" & sSRC & "$'` a"

    With wsSource.ListObjects(1).QueryTable
        .Connection = sConn
        .CommandText = sSQL
        .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
    End With
End Sub

This code needs to execute anytime the Source sheet changes. So I'd execute qCustList in the Worksheet_Deactivate event for sheet Source.


[glasses]Just traded in my OLD subtlety...
for a NUance![tongue]
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