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Spell check error in WP 9 1

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Apr 1, 2002
we use wp9 (SP4) on windows 2000 professional. I have a user, where everytime she does a spell check, it goes through like nothing is wrong, but after it ends, she gets 'wpwin9 has encountered an error and will be closed by window. error log was created'. i cannot find any help on th Corel site and i cannot find the error. i have looked in the admin tools and cannot find the error in the event log. I also tried running pft and NOTHING... HELPPPPPPPP not sure where to turn
Corel has a patch for sp4 that is available by download. My recollection is that it may solve spellcheck errors in some circumstances. Post back if you are unable to find tha patch.

Service Pack 4 for WP9 is available, which is actually a replacement for the whole program. I ordered the free disk, which actually costs $10 for UPS delivery. Literally all problems disappeared when I installed it. It is not available as a download and must be ordered through Customer Service. You will need your WP registration number when ordering.
The "WordPerfect Office 2000 Hot Patch" available to download at is for Service Pack 4. Following is the description from the Corel site:

"Description of Fix:
This fix addresses a memory-access violation error (IPF) in WordPerfect when attempting to open a password-protected file from a Document Management System (ODMA).

This fix also prevents the IPF caused when the user selects the 'Yes' button to close the Spell Checker after completing the spell check function on systems where Open Document Management Applications are installed.

This patch will address build 883 of WordPerfect Office 2000 (which includes Service Pack 4).

Both of these fixes are included in the following file: PFIT90.DLL "
We recently ran into this same spell check crash after we installed WP9 (Office Suite 2000) on a Dell XP system. The program worked fine on a prior Dell ME, but not the XP.
The Corel site, which has relegated WP2000 to "legacy" status, still refers to the "hot patch" for this problem (noted above). But the patch has been removed (or moved to a non-published area), and their link generates a Page Not Found error, referring users to the infamous MS Knowledgebase, which, of course, produces nothing.
Anyone know if this patch or SP4 have been stored anywhere?...charging users 10 bucks for S&H and not even offering a download is outrageous.
The problem has been fixed with WP10.

Service Pack 4 is not a patch, it is a "re-write" of WP9 for versions of Windows released after Win98. It was never available for download, presumably because it is approximately 490 MB. I believe that the cost is strickly shipping & handling and that if you have a proper license for WP9 you are entitled to sp4. If you wish to post back and e-mail address, I would be happy to attach sp4 to a reply for you.

The hot patch is (/was?) a released later to fix a couple of problems with SP4.
You can order the sp4 cd from corel and the shipping is $5, but they sent it out for free.
You have to have sp4 in order to install the patch, which is located at

I have not received the cd yet, so I am not positive this will solve the spell check problem.

You can work around the problem by clicking No, when you are asked to close spell check. Then you can close the program by yourself.

I solved my spellchecking problem with Win 2000 with SP4 and the hot patch. What is more, I seem to have solved a similar problem on a second machine running XP Pro in the same way.
Thanks, that was a Good Thing to post the "secret link". I *do* have WP9/SP4 running on XP Pro SP2 with the REVB fix Spell does not crash.
Thanks again
Is DonKlein still available to e-mail SP4? Would be most helpful, I can't even find a link to order SP4 CD. Thanks!
Still around but unable to e-mail WP9 SP4. I think that your correct that Corel is no longer offering to sell it. Have you tried e-bay?

Thanks for reply. I couldn't find the SP4 anywhere, but I did find the WP9 SP4 version for sale on ebay and purchased it. Thanks a bunch, Julie
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