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Speed of VPN s on Linksys Routner BEFVP41 1

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Mar 30, 2002
I have Client who asked for me to set up a VPN using their Linksys BEFVP41 routers. I setup the VPN successfully and connected a home office with a remote user about 300 miles away. The client expected to browse his LAN and execute programs on his LAN across the VPN. The performance was very slow and the client felt it was not accepatable. Short of turning off of some of the encryption and security, has anoyone found a way to allow this type of remote program execution to be fast, or at least acceptable across the Linksys BEFVP41. For reference the Internet connection on the VPN was microwave on one end and cable modem on the others. Bandwidth was around 500k.
Thanks, Nathan
Sorry but that is silly. How can anyone expect a 500kb cable modem connection to perform like they are on the network for running applications!?!? Especially when you introduce the internet as a variable on performance. Most cable modem upload speeds are 256kb. This is less than 2% the throuput that the application was designed to have available.

Consider a PC on the main network with VNC or Terminal Services running for the remote execution of the application.
I agree, though I probably would have used a word stronger than "silly". ;o}

Actually, most cable modems are limited to 128kbs up, not 256kbs (I'm thinking of AT&T, who has greater than 50% market share, as I recall).

128kbs is roughly 1% of 10Mbs, or 0.1% of 100Mbs (most people find 10Mbs too slow, these days!).

VNC or TermServ or PCAnywhere or any other remote desktop software will work, though none of them will be as fast as actually sitting in front of the computer. Incidentally, TermServ is *much* better than VNC for speed (screen refreshes), though I personally prefer VNC for administrative purposes.

Hope that helps!
My cable is 256 up 2.2mb down, but I agree, TS is faster and there are no refresh issues, some apps don't like it though so I use both TS and VNC. Also TS requires server, he may not be running server.
Thanks for your help. This situation makes me wonder exactly what Linksys feels that their product is actually going to produce over a VPN. Linksys tech support is no help.
I received a link today that may be useful,

although I will first look into your suggestions of VNC. (They aren't using a server at the office end. Only peer-to-peer Win98).
Thanks again!
Hello folks,

I got 2 Questions

1. I like to know if anyone here knows what would be the MAX transfer speed using the LinkSysBEFVP41, while tunneling in, considering that the encryption is on 196bit.

The reason I am asking this is, when I connect from home to office it seams that I am getting 28kbit/sec transfer when coping a file from office to home.

2. In My office environment, I have Win2K and OpenBSD. After oppening secure connection I can ping and access to any of the windows based machines using \\IP_Address
but the openbsd dosen't either ping or get connected.
From the intranet we have no problems, it's only over the VPN connection. NetBEUI is disabled on Linksys VPN,for security. What can I do to solve this?

My network is as following:

Office: AT&T, 3.0Mb Down / 640Kb Up
Home: Rogers Cable 1Mb Modem, (Fast enough.. about
500Mb easily down)

Connection Diagram

Office Intranet

Sounds like you are performing a windows file operation. Use FTP instead.

Your BSD system MAY be rejecting packets from your "spoofed" ip address.
Hi Iglo,

I have measured BEFVP41 performance over 512k ADSL-line, other end 4 Mb symmetrical with FTP:

- 2*BEFVP41 with 3DES 517 kb/s via tunnel
- direct to same server 540 kb/s

-> Speed issue of 3DES is neglible.

Is the gateway of your BSD pointing to Linksys, otherwise it will not ping, no route of the packets to go back to the tunnel.
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