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Specifying backup pool for manual client backups 1

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Jun 8, 2001
Hey guys. Recently I have started using Legato on my laptops to backup user data. The problem I am having is that if the user manually tries to backup his data from the Legato User program, it tries to save it in the "Default" pool. I currently use two different pools, a Full pool and an Incremental, and I would like for the client to save it there.

Is there a way of doing this?

Note that I have placed the laptops in a group which is disabled from automatically backing up (the laptops move around too much) and have set the group to use the Full and Incremental pools. Starting the group works fine, and data is saved to the right pools, but I want the users to backup thier own data selectively and get it saved to the pools I have defined.

What am I missing? Thanks!
If you look at your level selection criteria in the pool resource, you will see that manual
is considered a seperate level from full and incremental. So, when you run your group, it will go the pools you already have defined (Full and Incremental) but when you or your user run a manual (selective backup using the user interface or command line) it will not meet the full or incremental criteria, and therefore will look for a volume from the default pool.

Solution. Manual backups are always "technically" full backups. So, you should be able to check the manual box in your existing Full pool, and all manual backups will go to that pool, in addition to your scheduled fulls.

I tried that, and it still wants to goto the Default pool.

I have my Full pool checked to handle the Full and Manual levels, and the Incremental pool handles all over levels. Both Full and Incremental have the groups I want to backup plus the Default group checked.

I even went so far as to disable the Default pool, and it didn't seem to phase Legato.

I have the clients placed in a pool named "laptops", with all thier aliases, and have them to backup to the Full and Incremental pools I have defined, and this works fine if I schedule a backup, but if the user uses the Windows Legato User interface to manually backup thier stuff (as I want them to do), it still defaults to the Default pool.

Also, I am running Legato version NetWorker 6.0.Build.153 Turbo/45 on a linux box, with the Windows ClientPak enabler, running version of the Networker User on the laptops under Windows.

Thanks for your help.
Here is a thought. You state "Both Full and Incremental
have the groups I want to backup plus the Default group checked." I believe this may be the issue. This will work fine for your scheduled backups, but when your user runs a manual backup, it is not considered part of a group, and therefore does not meet the criteria. Remember, selection criteria is generally "And" so it is looking for something belonging to one of the groups and either full or manual, which fails in the case of your user inititated back up.

Maybe you can try deselecting the groups as a criteria for your Full and Incremental pools, leaving that criteria blank. Having Full and Manual checked in the level box for Full, and the others for Incremental, should still direct your backups where you want them to go, assuming you don't have any other groups/pools you are working with.

Elsewise, you may need to create a seperate pool called "laptop" with no groups seleceted and only Manual as the level.

Hope this does it for you

PS you mention you disabled the default pool. I was under the impression (and have just now tried again) that you could not disable any of the default resources, you get a message "NSR pool "Default" may not be modified....
I just wanted to add here that I have had the same issue...when a client/person manually initiates a backup from the client side, it will always pull a 'Default' backup tape, no matter what you try to restrict.
The only way around this as I've been told and have been doing is to make the customer contact you for initiating or scheduling backups. Right now I have it it set up that if they try to initate one from the client side, there are no 'Default' tapes for them to pull from. May create a hassle when you have to be involved with the client/person, but it keeps things more in-line with the full-incr scheduling....
Hope this knowledge can help you in some way...
Yeah, i've tried all the possible solutions and no success so far.

When I say I disabled the default pool, I mean that I went in and hacked around with the /nsr/res/nsr.res and set the default pool to disabled.

Perhaps there is a way around this, I sure hope there is. Otherwise buying the Windows ClientPak was a big waste of money :)

I'll keep working on it and see if I can get it going.

BTW, has anyone been able to actually successfully manage to do what I am wanting to do?

Got it working. The trick was that I was setting certain pools to backup certain groups. By unchecking the groups, all clients can then backup to that pool.

I wish that the media indexes would not save as a Full level so that I would not have to have a full level tape (or as I ma doing it now, my tape sets for full and incr are all set to backup everything) in the drive... ah well.

But at least the laptops will backup correctly now.
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