We have VM Pro and I have set up standard Holiday Greetings based on a calendar. I also set up a "Special" greeting for company shutdowns due to inclement weather or other events. I gave this greeting it's own calendar and I can change it by accessing the server. I was wondering is there a way that any authorized person could remotely update the calendar (or activate the special greeting in some other way) without accessing the server?
Most likely we will not be in the building when we decide to close. In the case of Sandy, we closed early on Monday, so I could change the calendar. It would be possible for me to remote desktop in to the server and make the change from home, but others should have the ability to set the special greeting and I am not comfortable with handing out remote desktop access to the server.
Most likely we will not be in the building when we decide to close. In the case of Sandy, we closed early on Monday, so I could change the calendar. It would be possible for me to remote desktop in to the server and make the change from home, but others should have the ability to set the special greeting and I am not comfortable with handing out remote desktop access to the server.